//Optimized Hotkeys - Grid //WC3:TFT 1.10 //By MiCroSlave - Microslave *AT* Telusplanet.net //War3.mrfixitonline.com //Questions? Bugs? Email me, or post on the above website. //New Campaign Stuff [nhew] //Elf Worker Hotkey=Q Tip=(|cffffcc00Q|r) Train Worker [hhes] //Elf Swordsmen Hotkey=Q Tip=(|cffffcc00Q|r) Train Swordsman [nhea] Hotkey=W //Elf Archer Tip=(|cffffcc00W|r) Train Archer // Submerge Myrmidon [Asb1] Tip=(|cffffcc00V|r) Submerge Untip=(|cffffcc00V|r) Surface Hotkey=V Unhotkey=V // Submerge Royal Gaurd [Asb2] Tip=(|cffffcc00V|r) Submerge Untip=(|cffffcc00V|r) Surface Hotkey=V Unhotkey=V // Submerge Snap Dragon [Asb3] Tip=(|cffffcc00V|r) Submerge Untip=(|cffffcc00V|r) Surface Hotkey=V Unhotkey=V //naga harvest [ANha] Tip=(|cffffcc00F|r) Gather Hotkey=F Unhotkey=F // Ensnare (Naga) [ANen] Tip=(|cffffcc00Z|r) Ensnare Hotkey=Z // Frost Armor (Autocast, Naga) [ACfu] Tip=(|cffffcc00X|r) Frost Armor Hotkey=X // Parasite [ANpa] Tip=(|cffffcc00Z|r) Parasite Hotkey=Z // Cyclone, Naga [Acny] Tip=(|cffffcc00C|r) Cyclone Hotkey=C [net1] //Engery Tower Hotkey=Q Tip=(|cffffcc00Q|r) Build Energy Tower [net2] //Adv Energy Tower Hotkey=Z Tip=(|cffffcc00Z|r) Upgrade to Advanced Energy Tower [nbt1] Hotkey=W Tip=(|cffffcc00W|r) Build Boulder Tower [nbt2] Hotkey=Z Tip=(|cffffcc00Z|r) Upgrade to Advanced Boulder Tower [nft1] Name=Flame Tower Hotkey=A Tip=(|cffffcc00A|r) Build Flame Tower [nft2] Name=Advanced Flame Tower Hotkey=Z Tip=(|cffffcc00Z|r) Upgrade to Advanced Flame Tower [ndt1] Name=Cold Tower Hotkey=S Tip=(|cffffcc00S|r) Build Cold Tower [ndt2] Hotkey=Z Tip=(|cffffcc00Z|r)Upgrade to Advanced Cold Tower [ntt1] Hotkey=Z Tip=(|cffffcc00Z|r) Build Death Tower [ntx2] Hotkey=Z Tip=(|cffffcc00Z|r) Upgrade to Advanced Death Tower [Aamk] Researchtip="(|cffffcc00F|r) Learn Attribute Bonus - [|cffffcc00Level %d|r]." Researchhotkey=F //orc campaign abilities // Summon Quilbeast (Rexxar) [Arsq] Tip=(|cffffcc00X|r) Summon Quilbeast - [|cffffcc00Level 1|r],Summon |cffffcc00Q|ruilbeast - [|cffffcc00Level 2|r],Summon |cffffcc00Q|ruilbeast - [|cffffcc00Level 3|r],Summon |cffffcc00Q|ruilbeast - [|cffffcc00Level 4|r] Hotkey=X Researchtip=(|cffffcc00X|r) Learn Summon Quilbeast - [|cffffcc00Level %d|r] Researchhotkey=X // Summon Bear (Rexxar) [Arsg] Name=Summon Misha Tip=(|cffffcc00Z|r) Summon Misha - [|cffffcc00Level 1|r],Summon M|cffffcc00i|rsha - [|cffffcc00Level 2|r],Summon M|cffffcc00i|rsha - [|cffffcc00Level 3|r],Summon M|cffffcc00i|rsha - [|cffffcc00Level 4|r] Hotkey=Z Researchtip=(|cffffcc00Z|r) Learn Summon Misha - [|cffffcc00Level %d|r] Researchhotkey=Z // Stampede (Rexxar) [Arsp] Tip=(|cffffcc00V|r) Stampede - [|cffffcc00Level 1|r],Stamp|cffffcc00e|rde - [|cffffcc00Level 2|r] Hotkey=V Researchtip=(|cffffcc00V|r) Learn Stampede - [|cffffcc00Level %d|r] Researchhotkey=V // Battle Roar [ANbr] Name=Battle Roar Tip=Battle |cffffcc00R|roar - [|cffffcc00Level 1|r],Battle |cffffcc00R|roar - [|cffffcc00Level 2|r],Battle |cffffcc00R|roar - [|cffffcc00Level 3|r],Battle |cffffcc00R|roar - [|cffffcc00Level 4|r] Ubertip="Gives nearby friendly units bonus attack damage. |nLasts seconds.","Gives nearby friendly units bonus attack damage. |nLasts seconds.","Gives nearby friendly units bonus attack damage. |nLasts seconds.","Gives nearby friendly units bonus attack damage. |nLasts seconds." Hotkey=R Researchtip="Learn Battle |cffffcc00R|roar - [|cffffcc00Level %d|r]" Researchubertip="Gives nearby friendly units a bonus to attack damage. |nLasts seconds. |n|n|cffffcc00Level 1|r - damage. |n|cffffcc00Level 2|r - damage. |n|cffffcc00Level 3|r - damage. |n|cffffcc00Level 4|r - damage." Researchhotkey=R // storm bolt [ANsb] Tip=(|cffffcc00E|r) Storm Bolt - [|cffffcc00Level 1|r],S|cffffcc00t|rorm Bolt - [|cffffcc00Level 2|r],S|cffffcc00t|rorm Bolt - [|cffffcc00Level 3|r],S|cffffcc00t|rorm Bolt - [|cffffcc00Level 4|r] Hotkey=E Researchtip="(|cffffcc00E|r) Learn Storm Bolt - [|cffffcc00Level %d|r]" Researchhotkey=E // Breath of Fire (Chen) [ANcf] Name=Breath of Fire Tip=(|cffffcc00Z|r) Breath of Fire - [|cffffcc00Level 1|r],Breath of |cffffcc00F|rire - [|cffffcc00Level 2|r],Breath of |cffffcc00F|rire - [|cffffcc00Level 3|r],Breath of |cffffcc00F|rire - [|cffffcc00Level 4|r] Ubertip="Breathes a cone of fire at enemy units, dealing initial damage. Units that have Drunken Haze on them will ignite and burn for damage per second over seconds.","Breathes a cone of fire at enemy units, dealing initial damage. Units that have Drunken Haze on them will ignite and burn for damage per second over seconds.","Breathes a cone of fire at enemy units, dealing initial damage. Units that have Drunken Haze on them will ignite and burn for damage per second over seconds.","Breathes a cone of fire at enemy units, dealing initial damage. Units that have Drunken Haze on them will ignite and burn for damage per second over seconds." Hotkey=Z Researchtip="(|cffffcc00Z|r) Learn Breath of Fire - [|cffffcc00Level %d|r]" Researchubertip="Breathes a cone of fire at enemy units which deals damage. Units that have Drunken Haze on them will ignite and take burn damage over time. |nLasts seconds. |n|n|cffffcc00Level 1|r - initial damage, damage per second. |n|cffffcc00Level 2|r - initial damage, damage per second. |n|cffffcc00Level 3|r - initial damage, damage per second. |n|cffffcc00Level 4|r - initial damage, damage per second." Researchhotkey=Z EditorSuffix=(Chen) // Drunken Brawler (Chen) [Acdb] Tip=Drunken Brawler - [|cffffcc00Level 1|r],Drunken Brawler - [|cffffcc00Level 2|r],Drunken Brawler - [|cffffcc00Level 3|r],Drunken Brawler - [|cffffcc00Level 4|r] Researchtip="(|cffffcc00C|r) Learn Drunken Brawler - [|cffffcc00Level %d|r]" Researchhotkey=C // Drunken Haze (Chen) [Acdh] Name=Drunken Haze Tip=(|cffffcc00X|r) Drunken Haze - [|cffffcc00Level 1|r],|cffffcc00D|rrunken Haze - [|cffffcc00Level 2|r],|cffffcc00D|rrunken Haze - [|cffffcc00Level 3|r],|cffffcc00D|rrunken Haze - [|cffffcc00Level 4|r] Hotkey=X Researchtip="(|cffffcc00X|r) Learn Drunken Haze - [|cffffcc00Level %d|r]" Researchhotkey=X EditorSuffix=(Chen) // Storm, Earth, and Fire [Acef] Tip="(|cffffcc00V|r) Storm, Earth, And Fire - [|cffffcc00Level 1|r]","Storm, |cffffcc00E|rarth, And Fire - [|cffffcc00Level 2|r]" Hotkey=V Researchtip="(|cffffcc00V|r) Learn Storm, Earth, And Fire - [|cffffcc00Level %d|r]" Researchhotkey=V // Healing Wave (Rokhan) [ANhw] Tip=(|cffffcc00Z|r) Heling Wave - [|cffffcc00Level 1|r],H|cffffcc00e|raling Wave - [|cffffcc00Level 2|r],H|cffffcc00e|raling Wave - [|cffffcc00Level 3|r],H|cffffcc00e|raling Wave - [|cffffcc00Level 4|r] Hotkey=Z Researchtip="(|cffffcc00Z|r) Learn Healing Wave - [|cffffcc00Level %d|r]" Researchhotkey=Z // Hex (rokhan) [ANhx] Tip=(|cffffcc00X|r) Hexr - [|cffffcc00Level 1|r],He|cffffcc00x|r - [|cffffcc00Level 2|r],He|cffffcc00x|r - [|cffffcc00Level 3|r],He|cffffcc00x|r - [|cffffcc00Level 4|r] Hotkey=X Researchtip="(|cffffcc00X|r) Learn Hexr - [|cffffcc00Level %d|r]" Researchhotkey=X // Serpent Ward [Arsw] Tip=(|cffffcc00C|r) Serpent Ward - [|cffffcc00Level 1|r],Serpent |cffffcc00W|rard - [|cffffcc00Level 2|r],Serpent |cffffcc00W|rard - [|cffffcc00Level 3|r],Serpent |cffffcc00W|rard - [|cffffcc00Level 4|r] Hotkey=C Researchtip="(|cffffcc00C|r) Learn Serpent Ward - [|cffffcc00Level %d|r]" Researchhotkey=C // Endurance Aura (Cairne) [AOr2] Ubertip="Increases nearby friendly units' movement speed by % and attack rate by %.","Increases nearby friendly units' movement speed by % and attack rate by %.","Increases nearby friendly units' movement speed by % and attack rate by %.","Increases nearby friendly units' movement speed by % and attack rate by %." Researchtip="(|cffffcc00C|r) Learn |cffffcc00E|rndurance Aura - [|cffffcc00Level %d|r]" Researchhotkey=C // Shockwave (Cairne) [AOs2] Tip=(|cffffcc00Z|r) Shockwave - [|cffffcc00Level 1|r],Shock|cffffcc00w|rave - [|cffffcc00Level 2|r],Shock|cffffcc00w|rave - [|cffffcc00Level 3|r],Shock|cffffcc00w|rave - [|cffffcc00Level 4|r] Hotkey=Z Researchtip="(|cffffcc00Z|r) Learn Shockwave - [|cffffcc00Level %d|r]" Researchhotkey=Z // Reincarnation (Cairne) [AOr3] Tip=Reincarnation - [|cffffcc00Level 1|r],Reincarnation - [|cffffcc00Level 1|r] Researchtip=(|cffffcc00V|r) Learn Reincarnation Researchhotkey=V EditorSuffix=(Cairne) // War Stomp (Chieftan) [AOw2] Researchtip="(|cffffcc00X|r) Learn War S|cffffcc00t|romp - [|cffffcc00Level %d|r]." Hotkey=X Researchhotkey=X // Voodoo Spirits [AOls] Hotkey=V Researchtip="Learn |cffffcc00V|roodoo Spirits - [|cffffcc00Level %d|r]" Researchhotkey=V [nnmg] Tip=(|cffffcc00W|r) Train Mur'gul Reaver Hotkey=W [nmpe] Hotkey=Q Tip=(|cffffcc00Q|r) Train Mur'gul Slave [Rnam] Tip=(|cffffcc00X|r) Upgrade to Coral Scales,(|cffffcc00X|r) Upgrade to Chitinous Scales,(|cffffcc00X|r) Upgrade to Razorspine Scales Hotkey=X,X,X [Rnat] Tip=(|cffffcc00Z|r) Upgrade to Coral Blades,(|cffffcc00Z|r) Upgrade to Chitinous Blades, (|cffffcc00Z|r) Upgrade to Razorspine Blades nits." Hotkey=Z,Z,Z [nntt] Tip=(|cffffcc00Q|r) Build Temple of Tides Hotkey=Q [nnsg] Name=Spawning Grounds Tip=(|cffffcc00W|r) Build Spawning Grounds Hotkey=W [nnsa] Tip=(|cffffcc00A|r)Build Shrine of Azshara Hotkey=A [nnad] Tip=(|cffffcc00S|r)Build Altar of the Depths Hotkey=S [nnfm] Tip=(|cffffcc00E|r) Build Coral Bed Hotkey=E [nntg] Tip=(|cffffcc00R|r) Build Tidal Guardian Hotkey=R [nmyr] Hotkey=Q Tip=(|cffffcc00Q|r) Train Naga Myrmidon [nsnp] Hotkey=W Tip=(|cffffcc00W|r) Train Snap Dragon [nhyc] Hotkey=E Tip=(|cffffcc00E|r) Train Dragon Turtle [Rnen] Tip=(|cffffcc00Z|r) Research Ensnare Hotkey=Z [Rnsw] Tip=(|cffffcc00Z|r) Research Naga Siren Adept Training,(|cffffcc00Z|r) Research Naga Siren Master Training Hotkey=Z,Z [nwgs] Hotkey=W Tip=(|cffffcc00W|r) Train Couatl [Rnsi] Tip=(|cffffcc00X|r) Research Abolish Magic Hotkey=X [Andm] Name=Abolish Magic Tip=(|cffffcc00Z|r) Abolish Magic Hotkey=Z Unhotkey=Z //New Campaign Stuff [CmdAttack] Tip=(|cffffcc00R|r) Attack Hotkey=R [CmdPatrol] Tip=(|cffffcc00A|r) Patrol Hotkey=A [CmdStop] Tip=(|cffffcc00W|r) Stop Hotkey=W // peon/peasant repair ability [Arep] Tip=(|cffffcc00S|r) Repair Hotkey=S UnHotkey=S // human repair [Ahrp] Tip=(|cffffcc00S|r) Repair Hotkey=S UnHotkey=S // Restore [Arst] Tip=(|cffffcc00S|r) Restore Hotkey=S UnHotkey=S // Renew [Aren] Tip=(|cffffcc00S|r) Renew Hotkey=S UnHotkey=S [CmdMove] Tip=(|cffffcc00Q|r) Move Hotkey=Q [CmdAttackGround] Tip=(|cffffcc00F|r) Attack Ground Hotkey=F [CmdBuild] Tip=(|cffffcc00Z|r) Build Structure Hotkey=Z [CmdBuildHuman] Tip=(|cffffcc00Z|r) Build Structure Hotkey=Z [CmdBuildOrc] Tip=(|cffffcc00Z|r) Build Structure Hotkey=Z [CmdBuildNightElf] Tip=(|cffffcc00Z|r) Create Building Hotkey=Z [CmdBuildUndead] Tip=(|cffffcc00Z|r) Summon Building Hotkey=Z [CmdBuildNaga] Tip=|cffffcc00B|ruild Structure Hotkey=B [CmdCancel] Tip=Cancel (|cffffcc00ESC|r) Hotkey=512 [CmdCancelBuild] Tip=Cancel (|cffffcc00ESC|r) Hotkey=512 [CmdCancelTrain] Tip=Cancel (|cffffcc00ESC|r) Hotkey=512 [CmdCancelRevive] Tip=Cancel (|cffffcc00ESC|r) Hotkey=512 [CmdHoldPos] Tip=(|cffffcc00E|r) Hold Position Hotkey=E [CmdPurchase] Tip=(|cffffcc00Q|r) Sell Items Hotkey=Q [CmdRally] Tip=(|cffffcc00F|r) Set Rally Point Hotkey=F [CmdSelectSkill] Tip=(|cffffcc00F|r) Hero Abilities Hotkey=F [Amou] Tip=(|cffffcc00S|r) Morph UnTip=(|cffffcc00S|r) De-Morph Unubertip="Returns the hero to normal form." Hotkey=S UnHotkey=S [AHer] [Ahar] Tip=(|cffffcc00F|r) Gather UnTip=(|cffffcc00F|r) Return Resources Unubertip="Return the carried resources to the nearest town hall." Hotkey=F UnHotkey=F [Ahrl] Tip=(|cffffcc00F|r) Gather UnTip=(|cffffcc00F|r) Return Resources Unubertip="Return the carried resources to the nearest Necropolis or Graveyard." Hotkey=F Unhotkey=F [Adta] Tip=(|cffffcc00Q|r) Reveal Hotkey=Q [Amls] Tip=(|cffffcc00Z|r) Aerial Shackles Hotkey=Z // Aerial Shackles Target [Bmlt] // area of effect detection (scry) [AHta] Tip=(|cffffcc00Z|r) Reveal Hotkey=Z // Feedback [Afbk] Tip=Feedback // Feedback [Afbt] Tip=Feedback // Control Magic [Acmg] Tip=(|cffffcc00X|r) Control Magic Hotkey=X [Bcmg] // Siphon Mana [AHdr] Tip=(|cffffcc00C|r) Siphon Mana - [|cffffcc00Level 1|r],(|cffffcc00C|r) Siphon Mana - [|cffffcc00Level 2|r],(|cffffcc00C|r) Siphon Mana - [|cffffcc00Level 3|r] Hotkey=C Researchtip=(|cffffcc00E|r) "Learn Siphon Mana - [|cffffcc00Level %d|r]" Researchhotkey=E // Magic Defense [Amdf] Tip=(|cffffcc00X|r) Magic Defense UnTip=(|cffffcc00X|r) Stop Magic Defense Unubertip="Deactivate to move at normal speed, but take damage from spells." Hotkey=X UnHotkey=X // Spell Steal [Asps] Tip=(|cffffcc00Z|r) Spell Steal Hotkey=Z UnHotkey=Z // Cloud [Aclf] Tip=(|cffffcc00X|r) Cloud Hotkey=X [Bclf] // Flame Strike [AHfs] Tip=(|cffffcc00Z|r) Flame Strike - [|cffffcc00Level 1|r],(|cffffcc00Z|r) Flame Strike - [|cffffcc00Level 2|r],(|cffffcc00Z|r) Flame Strike - [|cffffcc00Level 3|r] Hotkey=Z Researchtip=(|cffffcc00Q|r) "Learn Flame Strike - [|cffffcc00Level %d|r]" Researchhotkey=Q [BHfs] // Banish [AHbn] Tip=(|cffffcc00X|r) Banish - [|cffffcc00Level 1|r],(|cffffcc00X|r) Banish - [|cffffcc00Level 2|r],(|cffffcc00X|r) Banish - [|cffffcc00Level 3|r] Hotkey=X Researchtip=(|cffffcc00W|r) "Learn Banish - [|cffffcc00Level %d|r]" Researchhotkey=W [BHbn] // Summon Phoenix [AHpx] Tip=(|cffffcc00V|r) Phoenix Hotkey=V Researchtip=(|cffffcc00R|r) Learn Phoenix Researchhotkey=R // Phoenix (morph) [Aphx] // Phoenix (progress bar) [Bphx] // Phoenix Fire [Apxf] Tip=Phoenix Fire // Phoenix Fire [Bpxf] // Gyrocopter Bombs [Agyb] Tip=Gyrocopter Bombs // Storm hammers [Asth] Tip=Storm Hammers // Gyrocopter Vision [Agyv] Tip=True Sight // Defend [Adef] Tip=(|cffffcc00Z|r) Defend UnTip=(|cffffcc00Z|r) Stop Defend Unubertip="Deactivate to move at normal speed, but take regular damage from Piercing attacks." Hotkey=Z UnHotkey=Z // Flare [Afla] Tip=(|cffffcc00Z|r) Flare Hotkey=Z // Magic Sentry (passive) [Adts] Tip=Magic Sentry // Inner Fire [Ainf] Tip=(|cffffcc00C|r) Inner Fire Hotkey=C UnHotkey=C [Binf] // Dispel Magic [Adis] Tip=(|cffffcc00X|r) Dispel Magic Hotkey=X // Heal [Ahea] Tip=(|cffffcc00Z|r) Heal Hotkey=Z UnHotkey=Z [Bhea] // Slow [Aslo] Tip=(|cffffcc00Z|r) Slow Hotkey=Z UnHotkey=Z [Bslo] // Invisibility [Aivs] Tip=(|cffffcc00X|r) Invisibility Hotkey=X [Binv] // Polymorph [Aply] Tip=(|cffffcc00C|r) Polymorph Hotkey=C [Bply] // Blizzard [AHbz] Tip=(|cffffcc00Z|r) Blizzard - [|cffffcc00Level 1|r],(|cffffcc00Z|r) Blizzard - [|cffffcc00Level 2|r],(|cffffcc00Z|r) Blizzard - [|cffffcc00Level 3|r] Hotkey=Z Researchtip=(|cffffcc00Q|r) "Learn Blizzard - [|cffffcc00Level %d|r]" Researchhotkey=Q [BHbd] // Summon Water Elemental [AHwe] Tip=(|cffffcc00X|r) Summon Water Elemental - [|cffffcc00Level 1|r],(|cffffcc00X|r) Summon Water Elemental - [|cffffcc00Level 2|r],(|cffffcc00X|r) Summon Water Elemental - [|cffffcc00Level 3|r] Hotkey=X Researchtip=(|cffffcc00W|r) "Learn Summon Water Elemental - [|cffffcc00Level %d|r]" Researchhotkey=W [BHwe] // Brilliance Aura [AHab] Tip=Brilliance Aura - [|cffffcc00Level 1|r],Brilliance Aura - [|cffffcc00Level 2|r],Brilliance Aura - [|cffffcc00Level 3|r] Researchtip=(|cffffcc00E|r) "Learn Brilliance Aura - [|cffffcc00Level %d|r]" Researchhotkey=E [BHab] // Mass Teleport [AHmt] Tip=(|cffffcc00V|r) Mass Teleport Hotkey=V Researchtip=(|cffffcc00R|r) Learn Mass Teleport Researchhotkey=R Globalmessage= Globalsound= // Storm Bolt [AHtb] Tip=(|cffffcc00Z|r) Storm Bolt - [|cffffcc00Level 1|r],(|cffffcc00Z|r) Storm Bolt - [|cffffcc00Level 2|r],(|cffffcc00Z|r) Storm Bolt - [|cffffcc00Level 3|r] Hotkey=Z Researchtip=(|cffffcc00Q|r) "Learn Storm Bolt - [|cffffcc00Level %d|r]" Researchhotkey=Q [BHtb] // Thunder Clap [AHtc] Tip=(|cffffcc00X|r) Thunder Clap - [|cffffcc00Level 1|r],(|cffffcc00X|r) Thunder Clap - [|cffffcc00Level 2|r],(|cffffcc00X|r) Thunder Clap - [|cffffcc00Level 3|r] Hotkey=X Researchtip=(|cffffcc00W|r) "Learn Thunder Clap - [|cffffcc00Level %d|r]" Researchhotkey=W [BHtc] // Bash [AHbh] Tip=Bash - [|cffffcc00Level 1|r],Bash - [|cffffcc00Level 2|r],Bash - [|cffffcc00Level 3|r] Researchtip=(|cffffcc00E|r) "Learn Bash - [|cffffcc00Level %d|r]" Researchhotkey=E [BHbh] // Avatar [AHav] Tip=(|cffffcc00V|r) Activate Avatar UnTip=(|cffffcc00V|r) Deactivate Avatar UnUberTip="" Hotkey=V UnHotkey=V Researchtip=(|cffffcc00R|r) Learn Avatar Researchhotkey=R [BHav] // Holy Light [AHhb] Tip=(|cffffcc00Z|r) Holy Light - [|cffffcc00Level 1|r],(|cffffcc00Z|r) Holy Light - [|cffffcc00Level 2|r],(|cffffcc00Z|r) Holy Light - [|cffffcc00Level 3|r] Hotkey=Z Researchtip=(|cffffcc00Q|r) "Learn Holy Light - [|cffffcc00Level %d|r]" Researchhotkey=Q // Divine Shield [AHds] Tip=(|cffffcc00X|r) Activate Divine Shield - [|cffffcc00Level 1|r],(|cffffcc00X|r) Activate Divine Shield - [|cffffcc00Level 2|r],(|cffffcc00X|r) Activate Divine Shield - [|cffffcc00Level 3|r] UnTip=(|cffffcc00X|r) Deactivate Divine Shield Hotkey=X UnHotkey=X Researchtip=(|cffffcc00W|r) "Learn Divine Shield - [|cffffcc00Level %d|r]" Researchhotkey=W Globalmessage= Globalsound= [BHds] // Devotion Aura [AHad] Tip=Devotion Aura - [|cffffcc00Level 1|r],Devotion Aura - [|cffffcc00Level 2|r],Devotion Aura - [|cffffcc00Level 3|r] Researchtip=(|cffffcc00E|r) "Learn Devotion Aura - [|cffffcc00Level %d|r]" Researchhotkey=E [BHad] // Resurrection [AHre] Tip=(|cffffcc00V|r) Resurrection Hotkey=V Researchtip=(|cffffcc00R|r) Learn Resurrection Researchhotkey=R // Militia [Amil] Tip=(|cffffcc00X|r) Call to Arms UnTip=(|cffffcc00C|r) Back to Work Unubertip="Run to the nearest Town Hall to disarm the Militia, converting it into a Peasant." Hotkey=X UnHotkey=C [Bmil] // Militia Conversion [Amic] Tip=(|cffffcc00X|r) Call to Arms UnTip=(|cffffcc00C|r) Back to Work Unubertip="Call all nearby Militia to the Town Hall to be converted to Peasants." Hotkey=X UnHotkey=C [Hblm] Hotkey=A Tip=(|cffffcc00A|r) Summon Blood Mage Revivetip=Revive |cffffcc00B|rlood Mage Awakentip=Revive |cffffcc00B|rlood Mage [halt] Hotkey=S Tip=(|cffffcc00S|r) Build Altar of Kings [Hamg] Hotkey=Z Tip=(|cffffcc00Z|r) Summon Archmage Revivetip=Revive |cffffcc00A|rrchmage Awakentip=Revive |cffffcc00A|rrchmage [harm] Hotkey=F Tip=(|cffffcc00F|r) Build Workshop [hars] Hotkey=D Tip=(|cffffcc00D|r) Build Arcane Sanctum [hbar] Hotkey=W Tip=(|cffffcc00W|r) Build Barracks [hbla] Hotkey=R Tip=(|cffffcc00R|r) Build Blacksmith [hcas] Hotkey=Z Tip=(|cffffcc00Z|r) Upgrade to Castle [hdhw] Hotkey=W Tip=(|cffffcc00W|r) Train Dragonhawk Rider [hhou] Hotkey=A Tip=(|cffffcc00A|r) Build Farm [hfoo] Hotkey=Q Tip=(|cffffcc00Q|r) Train Footman [hgra] Hotkey=X Tip=(|cffffcc00X|r) Build Gryphon Aviary [hctw] Hotkey=X Tip=(|cffffcc00X|r) Upgrade to Cannon Tower [hgtw] Hotkey=Z Tip=(|cffffcc00Z|r) Upgrade to Guard Tower [hwtw] Hotkey=Z Tip=(|cffffcc00Z|r) Build Scout Tower [hatw] Hotkey=C Tip=(|cffffcc00C|r) Upgrade to Arcane Tower [hvlt] Hotkey=C Tip=(|cffffcc00C|r) Build Arcane Vault [hgyr] Hotkey=Q Tip=(|cffffcc00Q|r) Train Gyrocopter [hkee] Hotkey=Z Tip=(|cffffcc00Z|r) Upgrade to Keep [hkni] Hotkey=E Tip=(|cffffcc00E|r) Train Knight [hlum] Hotkey=E Tip=(|cffffcc00E|r) Build Lumber Mill [hmil] [Hmkg] Hotkey=X Tip=(|cffffcc00X|r) Summon Mountain King Revivetip=Revive |cffffcc00M|rountain King Awakentip=Revive |cffffcc00M|rountain King [hmpr] Hotkey=W Tip=(|cffffcc00W|r) Train Priest [hmtm] Hotkey=W Tip=(|cffffcc00W|r) Train Mortar Team [Hpal] Hotkey=C Tip=(|cffffcc00C|r) Summon Paladin Revivetip=Revive Pa|cffffcc00l|radin Awakentip=Revive Pa|cffffcc00l|radin [hpea] Hotkey=Q Tip=(|cffffcc00Q|r) Train Peasant [hrif] Hotkey=W Tip=(|cffffcc00W|r) Train Rifleman [hsor] Hotkey=Q Tip=(|cffffcc00Q|r) Train Sorceress [hspt] Hotkey=E Tip=(|cffffcc00E|r) Train Spell Breaker [hmtt] Hotkey=E Tip=(|cffffcc00E|r) Train Steam Tank [hrtt] Hotkey=E Tip=(|cffffcc00E|r) Train War Engine [htow] Hotkey=Q Tip=(|cffffcc00Q|r) Build Town Hall [hwat] [hwt2] [hwt3] [hgry] Hotkey=Q Tip=(|cffffcc00Q|r) Train Gryphon Rider [hphx] [hpxe] [Rhss] Tip=(|cffffcc00D|r) Research Control Magic Hotkey=D [Rhme] Tip=(|cffffcc00Q|r) Upgrade to Iron Forged Swords,(|cffffcc00Q|r) Upgrade to Steel Forged Swords,(|cffffcc00Q|r) Upgrade to Mithril Forged Swords Hotkey=Q [Rhra] Tip=(|cffffcc00W|r) Upgrade to Black Gunpowder,(|cffffcc00W|r) Upgrade to Refined Gunpowder,(|cffffcc00W|r) Upgrade to Imbued Gunpowder Hotkey=W [Rhar] Tip=(|cffffcc00A|r) Upgrade to Iron Plating,(|cffffcc00A|r) Upgrade to Steel Plating,(|cffffcc00A|r) Upgrade to Mithril Plating Hotkey=A [Rhla] Tip=(|cffffcc00S|r) Upgrade to Studded Leather Armor,(|cffffcc00S|r) Upgrade to Reinforced Leather Armor,(|cffffcc00S|r) Upgrade to Dragonhide Armor Hotkey=S [Rhac] Tip=(|cffffcc00W|r) Upgrade to Improved Masonry,(|cffffcc00W|r) Upgrade to Advanced Masonry,(|cffffcc00W|r) Upgrade to Imbued Masonry Hotkey=W [Rhgb] Tip=(|cffffcc00Z|r) Research Gyrocopter Bombs Hotkey=Z [Rhlh] Tip=(|cffffcc00Q|r) Improved Lumber Harvesting,(|cffffcc00Q|r) Advanced Lumber Harvesting Hotkey=Q [Rhde] Tip=(|cffffcc00Z|r) Research Defend Hotkey=Z [Rhan] Tip=(|cffffcc00C|r) Research Animal War Training Hotkey=C [Rhpt] Tip=(|cffffcc00X|r) Priest Adept Training,(|cffffcc00X|r) Priest Master Training Hotkey=X [Rhst] Tip=(|cffffcc00Z|r) Sorceress Adept Training,(|cffffcc00Z|r) Sorceress Master Training Hotkey=Z [Rhri] Tip=(|cffffcc00X|r) Upgrade to Long Rifles Hotkey=X [Rhse] Tip=(|cffffcc00C|r) Research Magic Sentry Hotkey=C [Rhfl] Tip=(|cffffcc00X|r) Research Flare Hotkey=X [Rhhb] Tip=(|cffffcc00Z|r) Research Storm Hammers Hotkey=Z [Rhrt] Tip=(|cffffcc00C|r) Research War Engine Hotkey=C [Rhpm] Tip=(|cffffcc00R|r) Research Backpack Hotkey=R [Rhfc] Tip=(|cffffcc00A|r) Research Flak Cannons Hotkey=A [Rhfs] Tip=(|cffffcc00S|r) Research Fragmentation Shards Hotkey=S [Rhcd] Tip=(|cffffcc00X|r) Research Cloud Hotkey=X // Cloud of Fog [AIfg] Tip=|cffffcc00C|rloud of Fog Hotkey=C [BIrb] // Dark Summoning [AUds] Tip=(|cffffcc00V|r) Dark Summoning Hotkey=V Researchtip=(|cffffcc00R|r) "Learn Dark Summoning" Researchhotkey=R [amrc] Hotkey=R Tip=Purchase Amulet of |cffffcc00R|recall [ankh] Hotkey=A Tip=Purchase |cffffcc00A|rnkh of Reincarnation [belv] Hotkey=E Tip=Purchase Boots of Qu|cffffcc00e|rl'Thalas [bgst] Hotkey=B Tip=Purchase |cffffcc00B|relt of Giant Strength [bspd] Hotkey=Q Tip=(|cffffcc00Q|r) Purchase Boots of Speed [ccmd] Hotkey=C Tip=Purchase S|cffffcc00c|repter of Mastery [ciri] Hotkey=R Tip=Purchase |cffffcc00R|robe of the Magi [ckng] Hotkey=K Tip=Purchase Crown of |cffffcc00K|rings [clsd] Hotkey=C Tip=Purchase |cffffcc00C|rloak of Shadows [crys] Hotkey=C Tip=Purchase |cffffcc00C|rrystal Ball [desc] Hotkey=D Tip=Purchase |cffffcc00D|ragger of Escapel [gemt] Hotkey=G Tip=Purchase |cffffcc00G|rem of True Seeing [gobm] Hotkey=L Tip=Purchase Goblin |cffffcc00L|rand Mines [gsou] Hotkey=G Tip=Purchase Soul |cffffcc00G|rem [guvi] Hotkey=U Tip=Purchase Glyph of |cffffcc00U|rltravision [gfor] Hotkey=F Tip=Purchase Glyph of |cffffcc00F|rortification [soul] Tip=Purchase Soul [mdpb] Purchase Medusa Pebble Hotkey=P Tip=Purchase Medusa |cffffcc00P|rebble [rag1] Hotkey=A Tip=Purchase Slippers of |cffffcc00A|rgility +3 [rat3] Hotkey=K Tip=Purchase Claws of Attac|cffffcc00k|r +3 [rin1] Hotkey=I Tip=Purchase Mantle of |cffffcc00I|rntelligence +3 [rde1] Hotkey=2 Tip=(|cffffcc00Q|r) Purchase Ring of Protection +2 [rde2] Hotkey=3 Tip=Purchase Ring of Protection +|cffffcc003|r [rde3] Hotkey=4 Tip=Purchase Ring of Protection +|cffffcc004|r [rhth] Hotkey=H Tip=Purchase Khadgar's Gem of |cffffcc00H|realth [rst1] Hotkey=S Tip=Purchase Gauntlets of Ogre |cffffcc00S|rtrength +3 [ofir] Hotkey=Z Tip=(|cffffcc00Z|r) Purchase Orb of Fire [ofro] Hotkey=R Tip=Purchase Orb of F|cffffcc00r|rost [olig] Hotkey=Z Tip=(|cffffcc00Z|r) Purchase Orb of Lightning [oli2] Hotkey=Z Tip=(|cffffcc00Z|r) Purchase Orb of Lightning [oven] Hotkey=Z Tip=(|cffffcc00Z|r) Purchase Orb of Venom [odef] Hotkey=B Tip=Purchase Or|cffffcc00b|r of Darkness [ocor] Hotkey=Z Tip=(|cffffcc00Z|r) Purchase Orb of Corruption [pdiv] Hotkey=D Tip=Purchase Potion of |cffffcc00D|rivinity [phea] Hotkey=A Tip=(|cffffcc00A|r) Purchase Potion of Healing [pghe] Hotkey=R Tip=Purchase Potion of G|cffffcc00r|reater Healing [pinv] Hotkey=S Tip=(|cffffcc00S|r) Purchase Potion of Invisibility [pgin] Hotkey=I Tip=Purchase Potion of Greater |cffffcc00I|rnvisibility [pman] Hotkey=S Tip=(|cffffcc00S|r) Purchase Potion of Mana [pgma] Hotkey=M Tip=Purchase Potion of Greater |cffffcc00M|rana [pnvu] Hotkey=I Tip=Purchase Potion of |cffffcc00I|rnvulnerability [pnvl] Hotkey=C Tip=(|cffffcc00C|r) Purchase Potion of Lesser Invulnerability [pres] Hotkey=R Tip=Purchase Potion of |cffffcc00R|restoration [pspd] Hotkey=S Tip=Purchase Potion of |cffffcc00S|rpeed [rlif] Hotkey=L Tip=Purchase Ring of Regeneration (|cffffcc00l|r) [rwiz] Hotkey=E Tip=(|cffffcc00E|r) Purchase Sobi Mask [sfog] Hotkey=C Tip=Purchase Horn of the |cffffcc00C|rlouds [rhe1] Hotkey=H Tip=Purchase Rune of Lesser |cffffcc00H|realing [rhe2] Hotkey=H Tip=Purchase Rune of |cffffcc00H|realing [rhe3] Hotkey=H Tip=Purchase Rune of Greater |cffffcc00H|realing [shea] Hotkey=X Tip=(|cffffcc00X|r) Purchase Scroll of Healing [sman] Hotkey=M Tip=Purchase Scroll of |cffffcc00M|rana [rman] Hotkey=M Tip=Purchase Rune of |cffffcc00M|rana [rma2] Hotkey=M Tip=Purchase Rune of Greater |cffffcc00M|rana [spro] Hotkey=A Tip=(|cffffcc00A|r) Purchase Scroll of Protection [ssil] Hotkey=E Tip=Purchase Staff of Sil|cffffcc00e|rnce [stwp] Hotkey=D Tip=(|cffffcc00D|r) Purchase Scroll of Town Portal Tip=(|cffffcc00F|r) Purchase Wand of Negation [rdis] Hotkey=D Tip=Purchase Rune of |cffffcc00D|rispel Magic [rwat] Hotkey=W Tip=Purchase Rune of the |cffffcc00W|ratcher [fgrd] Tip=Purchase Drake |cffffcc00E|rgg Hotkey=E [rnec] Hotkey=Q Tip=(|cffffcc00Q|r) Purchase Rod of Necromancy [pams] Hotkey=X Tip=(|cffffcc00X|r) Purchase Anti-magic Potion [cnob] Hotkey=E Tip=(|cffffcc00E|r) Purchase Circlet of Nobility [prvt] Hotkey=W Tip=(|cffffcc00W|r) Purchase Periapt of Vitality [rde0] Hotkey=1 Tip=Purchase Ring of Protection +|cffffcc001|r [rde4] Hotkey=5 Tip=Purchase Ring of Protection +|cffffcc005|r [rat6] Tip=Purchase Claws of Attack +6 [rat9] Hotkey=C Tip=Purchase |cffffcc00C|rlaws of Attack +9 [drph] Tip=Purchase Druid Pouch // Healing Salve [hslv] Hotkey=Q Tip=(|cffffcc00Q|r) Purchase Healing Salve // Clarity Potion [pclr] Hotkey=X Tip=(|cffffcc00X|r) Purchase Clarity Potion // Lesser Clarity Potion [plcl] Hotkey=W Tip=(|cffffcc00W|r) Purchase Lesser Clarity Potion // Minor Rejuvenation Potion [rej1] Hotkey=R Tip=Purchase Minor |cffffcc00R|rejuvenation Potion // Lesser Rejuvenation Potion [rej2] Hotkey=R Tip=Purchase Lesser |cffffcc00R|rejuvenation Potion // Rejuvenation Potion [rej3] Hotkey=R Tip=Purchase |cffffcc00R|rejuvenation Potion // Greater Rejuvenation Potion [rej4] Hotkey=R Tip=Purchase Greater |cffffcc00R|rejuvenation Potion // Lesser Rejuvenation Scroll [rej5] Hotkey=R Tip=Purchase Lesser Scroll of |cffffcc00R|rejuvenation // Greater Rejuvenation Scroll [rej6] Hotkey=R Tip=Purchase Greater Scroll of |cffffcc00R|rejuvenation // Scroll of Regeneration [sreg] Hotkey=Q Tip=(|cffffcc00Q|r) Purchase Scroll of Regeneration [fgun] Hotkey=F Tip=Purchase |cffffcc00F|rlare Gun // Potion of Omniscience [pomn] Hotkey=O Tip=Purchase Potion of |cffffcc00O|rmniscience // Glyph of Omniscience [gomn] Hotkey=O Tip=Purchase Glyph of |cffffcc00O|rmniscience [spur] Hotkey=P Tip=Purchase Staff of |cffffcc00P|rurification [wneu] Hotkey=W Tip=(|cffffcc00W|r) Purchase Wand of Neutralization [silk] Hotkey=S Tip=Purchase |cffffcc00S|rpider Silk Broach [lure] Hotkey=L Tip=Purchase Monster |cffffcc00L|rure [skul] Hotkey=W Tip=(|cffffcc00W|r) Purchase Sacrificial Skull [moon] Hotkey=Q Tip=(|cffffcc00Q|r) Purchase Moonstone [tgrh] HotKey=X Tip=(|cffffcc00X|r) Purchase Tiny Great Hall [tsct] Hotkey=F Tip=(|cffffcc00F|r) Purchase Ivory Tower [wshs] Hotkey=W Tip=Purchase |cffffcc00W|rand of Shadowsight [tret] Hotkey=Z Tip=(|cffffcc00Z|r) Purchase Tome of Retraining [sneg] Hotkey=N Tip=Purchase Staff of |cffffcc00N|regation [stel] Hotkey=F Tip=(|cffffcc00F|r) Purchase Staff of Teleportation [spre] Hotkey=F Tip=(|cffffcc00F|r) Purchase Staff of Preservation [mcri] Hotkey=E Tip=(|cffffcc00E|r) Purchase Mechanical Critter // Amulet of Spell Shield [spsh] Hotkey=A Tip=Purchase |cffffcc00A|rmulet of Spell Shield // Rune of Shielding [rsps] Hotkey=S Tip=Purchase Rune of |cffffcc00S|rhielding Tip=Purchase Spell |cffffcc00B|rook // Staff of Sanctuary [ssan] Hotkey=X Tip=(|cffffcc00X|r) Purchase Staff of Sanctuary // Scroll of Speed [shas] Hotkey=W Tip=(|cffffcc00W|r) Purchase Scroll of Speed // Rune of Speed [rspd] Hotkey=D Tip=Purchase Rune of Spee|cffffcc00d|r // Dust of Appearance [dust] Hotkey=R Tip=(|cffffcc00R|r) Purchase Dust of Appearance // Orb of Annihilation (Quill Spray) [ANak] Tip=(|cffffcc00X|r) "Quill Spray" UnTip="|cffc3dbff|cffc3dbffRight-click to activate auto-casting.|r|r" Hotkey=X UnHotkey=X // Blink (beastmaster bear) [ANbl] Tip=(|cffffcc00Z|r) Blink Hotkey=Z //chain dispel [Ache] Hotkey=X Tip=(|cffffcc00X|r) Cast Ray of Disruption // Burrow (Barbed Arachnathid) [Abu5] Tip=(|cffffcc00V|r) Burrow UnTip=(|cffffcc00V|r) Unburrow Unubertip="The Arachnathid pops out of the ground and becomes visible again." Hotkey=V UnHotkey=V // Parasite [ACpa] Tip=(|cffffcc00Z|r) Parasite Hotkey=Z UnHotkey=Z // Siphon Mana [ACsm] Tip=(|cffffcc00C|r) Siphon Mana Hotkey=C // Devour Magic [ACde] Tip=(|cffffcc00Z|r) "Devour Magic" Hotkey=Z // Battle Roar [ANbr] Tip=(|cffffcc00C|r) Battle Roar Hotkey=C Researchtip=(|cffffcc00E|r) "Learn Battle Roar - [|cffffcc00Level %d|r]" Researchhotkey=E [BNbr] // Hardened Skin [Ansk] Tip=Hardened Skin Hotkey=C // Mana Shield [ANms] Tip=(|cffffcc00C|r) Activate Mana Shield - [|cffffcc00Level 1|r],(|cffffcc00C|r) Activate Mana Shield - [|cffffcc00Level 2|r],(|cffffcc00C|r) Activate Mana Shield - [|cffffcc00Level 3|r] UnTip=(|cffffcc00C|r) Deactivate Mana Shield Hotkey=C UnHotkey=C Researchtip=(|cffffcc00E|r) "Learn Mana Shield - [|cffffcc00Level %d|r]" Researchhotkey=E [BNms] // Rain of Fire [ANrf] Tip=(|cffffcc00Z|r) Rain of Fire - [|cffffcc00Level 1|r],(|cffffcc00Z|r) Rain of Fire - [|cffffcc00Level 2|r],(|cffffcc00Z|r) Rain of Fire - [|cffffcc00Level 3|r] Hotkey=Z Researchtip=(|cffffcc00Q|r) Learn Rain of Fire - [|cffffcc00Level %d|r] Researchhotkey=Q [BNrd] // Rain of Fire (greater, creep) [ACrg] Tip=(|cffffcc00Z|r) Rain of Fire Hotkey=Z // Frost Arrows [ANfa] Tip=(|cffffcc00X|r) Frost Arrows - [|cffffcc00Level 1|r],(|cffffcc00X|r) Frost Arrows - [|cffffcc00Level 2|r],(|cffffcc00X|r) Frost Arrows - [|cffffcc00Level 3|r] Hotkey=X UnHotkey=X Researchtip=(|cffffcc00W|r) "Learn Frost Arrows - [|cffffcc00Level %d|r]" Researchhotkey=W // Cold Arrows [AHca] Tip=(|cffffcc00X|r) Cold Arrows - [|cffffcc00Level 1|r],(|cffffcc00X|r) Cold Arrows - [|cffffcc00Level 2|r],(|cffffcc00X|r) Cold Arrows - [|cffffcc00Level 3|r] Hotkey=X UnHotkey=X Researchtip=(|cffffcc00W|r) "Learn Cold Arrows - [|cffffcc00Level %d|r]" Researchhotkey=W [Bcsi] // Howl of Terror [ANht] Tip=(|cffffcc00X|r) Howl of Terror - [|cffffcc00Level 1|r],(|cffffcc00X|r) Howl of Terror - [|cffffcc00Level 2|r],(|cffffcc00X|r) Howl of Terror - [|cffffcc00Level 3|r] Hotkey=X Researchtip=(|cffffcc00W|r) "Learn Howl of Terror - [|cffffcc00Level %d|r]" Researchhotkey=W // Howl of Terror [Acht] Tip=(|cffffcc00Z|r) Howl of Terror Hotkey=Z [BNht] // Cleaving Attack [ANca] Tip=Cleaving Attack - [|cffffcc00Level 1|r],Cleaving Attack - [|cffffcc00Level 2|r],Cleaving Attack - [|cffffcc00Level 3|r] Researchtip=(|cffffcc00E|r) "Learn Cleaving Attack - [|cffffcc00Level %d|r]" Researchhotkey=E // Cleaving Attack [ACce] Tip=Cleaving Attack // Doom [ANdo] Tip=(|cffffcc00V|r) Doom Hotkey=V Researchtip=(|cffffcc00R|r) "Learn Doom" Researchhotkey=R [BNdo] [BNdi] // Storm, Earth, and Fire [ANef] Tip="Storm,(|cffffcc00V|r) Earth, And Fire" Hotkey=V Researchtip="Learn Storm,(|cffffcc00R|r) Earth, And Fire" Researchhotkey=R [BNef] // Wind Walk (pandaren) [ANwk] Tip=(|cffffcc00C|r) Wind Walk Hotkey=C // Taunt [ANta] Tip=(|cffffcc00X|r) Taunt Hotkey=X // Banish (Creep) [ACbn] Tip=(|cffffcc00X|r) Banish Hotkey=X // Life Drain [ANdr] Tip=(|cffffcc00C|r) Life Drain - [|cffffcc00Level 1|r],(|cffffcc00C|r) Life Drain - [|cffffcc00Level 2|r],(|cffffcc00C|r) Life Drain - [|cffffcc00Level 3|r] Hotkey=C Researchtip=(|cffffcc00E|r) "Learn Life Drain - [|cffffcc00Level %d|r]" Researchhotkey=E // Life Drain (Creep) [ACdr] Tip=(|cffffcc00Z|r) Life Drain Hotkey=Z // Breath of Fire [ANbf] Tip=(|cffffcc00Z|r) Breath of Fire - [|cffffcc00Level 1|r],(|cffffcc00Z|r) Breath of Fire - [|cffffcc00Level 2|r],(|cffffcc00Z|r) Breath of Fire - [|cffffcc00Level 3|r] Hotkey=Z Researchtip=(|cffffcc00Q|r) "Learn Breath of Fire - [|cffffcc00Level %d|r]" Researchhotkey=Q // Summon Bear [ANsg] Tip=(|cffffcc00Z|r) Summon Bear - [|cffffcc00Level 1|r],(|cffffcc00Z|r) Summon Bear - [|cffffcc00Level 2|r],(|cffffcc00Z|r) Summon Bear - [|cffffcc00Level 3|r] Hotkey=Z Researchtip=(|cffffcc00Q|r) Learn Summon Bear - [|cffffcc00Level %d|r] Researchhotkey=Q // Summon Bear [Arsg] Tip=(|cffffcc00Z|r) Summon Bear - [|cffffcc00Level 1|r],(|cffffcc00Z|r) Summon Bear - [|cffffcc00Level 2|r],(|cffffcc00Z|r) Summon Bear - [|cffffcc00Level 3|r] Hotkey=Z Researchtip=(|cffffcc00Q|r) Learn Summon Bear - [|cffffcc00Level %d|r] Researchhotkey=Q [BNsg] // Summon Quilbeast [ANsq] Tip=(|cffffcc00X|r) Summon Quilbeast - [|cffffcc00Level 1|r],(|cffffcc00X|r) Summon Quilbeast - [|cffffcc00Level 2|r],(|cffffcc00X|r) Summon Quilbeast - [|cffffcc00Level 3|r] Hotkey=X Researchtip=(|cffffcc00W|r) Learn Summon Quilbeast - [|cffffcc00Level %d|r] Researchhotkey=W [BNsq] // Summon Hawk [ANsw] Tip=(|cffffcc00C|r) Summon Hawk - [|cffffcc00Level 1|r],(|cffffcc00C|r) Summon Hawk - [|cffffcc00Level 2|r],(|cffffcc00C|r) Summon Hawk - [|cffffcc00Level 3|r] Hotkey=C Researchtip=(|cffffcc00E|r) Learn Summon Hawk - [|cffffcc00Level %d|r] Researchhotkey=E [BNsw] // Stampede [ANst] Tip=(|cffffcc00V|r) Stampede Hotkey=V Researchtip=(|cffffcc00R|r) Learn Stampede Researchhotkey=R // Hex [AChx] Tip=(|cffffcc00X|r) Hex Hotkey=X // Entangling Roots Seaweed Version (Creep) [Aenw] Tip=(|cffffcc00Z|r) Entangling Roots Hotkey=Z // Healing Wave (Creep) [AChv] Tip=(|cffffcc00Z|r) Healing Wave Hotkey=Z // Silence(Creep) [ACsi] Tip=(|cffffcc00Z|r) Silence Hotkey=Z // Mana Shield(Creep) [ACmf] Tip=(|cffffcc00X|r) Mana Shield UnTip=(|cffffcc00X|r) Deactivate Mana Shield Hotkey=X UnHotkey=X // Shadow Strike [ACss] Tip=(|cffffcc00C|r) Shadow Strike Hotkey=C // Frost Bolt [ACcb] Tip=(|cffffcc00Z|r) Frost Bolt Hotkey=Z // Breath of Frost(Creep) [ACbf] Tip=(|cffffcc00Z|r) Breath of Frost Hotkey=Z [BCbf] // Breath of Fire (Creep) [ACbc] Tip=(|cffffcc00Z|r) Breath of Fire Hotkey=Z // Flame Strike [ACfs] Tip=(|cffffcc00Z|r) Flame Strike Hotkey=Z // Flame Strike [ANfs] Tip=(|cffffcc00X|r) Flame Strike Hotkey=X // Impale [ACmp] Tip=(|cffffcc00Z|r) Impale Hotkey=Z // Inventory [AInv] // Spiked Shell [ANth] Tip=Spiked Shell // Mind Rot [ANmr] Tip=(|cffffcc00Z|r) Mind Rot Hotkey=Z [BNmr] // Preservation [ANpr] // Spell Shield [ANss] // Breath of Fire [ANbf] Tip=(|cffffcc00Z|r) Breath of Fire - [|cffffcc00Level 1|r],(|cffffcc00Z|r) Breath of Fire - [|cffffcc00Level 2|r],(|cffffcc00Z|r) Breath of Fire - [|cffffcc00Level 3|r] Hotkey=Z Researchtip=(|cffffcc00Q|r) "Learn Breath of Fire - [|cffffcc00Level %d|r]" Researchhotkey=Q [BNbf] // Drunken Brawler [ANdb] Tip=Drunken Brawler - [|cffffcc00Level 1|r],Drunken Brawler - [|cffffcc00Level 2|r],Drunken Brawler - [|cffffcc00Level 3|r] Researchtip=(|cffffcc00E|r) "Learn Drunken Brawler - [|cffffcc00Level %d|r]" Researchhotkey=E // Drunken Haze [ANdh] Tip=(|cffffcc00X|r) Drunken Haze - [|cffffcc00Level 1|r],(|cffffcc00X|r) Drunken Haze - [|cffffcc00Level 2|r],(|cffffcc00X|r) Drunken Haze - [|cffffcc00Level 3|r] Hotkey=X Researchtip=(|cffffcc00W|r) "Learn Drunken Haze - [|cffffcc00Level %d|r]" Researchhotkey=W [BNdh] // Silence [ANsi] Tip=(|cffffcc00Z|r) Silence - [|cffffcc00Level 1|r],(|cffffcc00Z|r) Silence - [|cffffcc00Level 2|r],(|cffffcc00Z|r) Silence - [|cffffcc00Level 3|r] Hotkey=Z Researchtip=(|cffffcc00Q|r) "Learn Silence - [|cffffcc00Level %d|r]" Researchhotkey=Q [BNsi] // Black Arrow [ANba] Tip=(|cffffcc00X|r) Black Arrow - [|cffffcc00Level 1|r],(|cffffcc00X|r) Black Arrow - [|cffffcc00Level 2|r],(|cffffcc00X|r) Black Arrow - [|cffffcc00Level 3|r] Hotkey=X Researchtip=(|cffffcc00W|r) "Learn Black Arrow - [|cffffcc00Level %d|r]" Researchhotkey=W [BNdm] // Black Arrow [ACbk] Tip=(|cffffcc00Z|r) Black Arrow Hotkey=Z // Charm (Creep) [ACch] Tip=(|cffffcc00V|r) Charm Hotkey=V // Charm [ANch] Tip=(|cffffcc00V|r) Charm Hotkey=V Researchtip=(|cffffcc00R|r) Learn Charm Researchhotkey=R // Monsoon [ANmo] Tip=(|cffffcc00Z|r) Monsoon - [|cffffcc00Level 1|r],(|cffffcc00Z|r) Monsoon - [|cffffcc00Level 2|r],(|cffffcc00Z|r) Monsoon - [|cffffcc00Level 3|r] Hotkey=Z Researchtip=(|cffffcc00Q|r) "Learn Monsoon - [|cffffcc00Level %d|r]" Researchhotkey=Q [BNmo] // creep monsoon [ACmo] Tip=(|cffffcc00Z|r) Monsoon - [|cffffcc00Level 1|r],(|cffffcc00Z|r) Monsoon - [|cffffcc00Level 2|r],(|cffffcc00Z|r) Monsoon - [|cffffcc00Level 3|r] Hotkey=Z Researchtip=(|cffffcc00Q|r) "Learn Monsoon - [|cffffcc00Level %d|r]" Researchhotkey=Q // Watery Minion [ANwm] Tip=(|cffffcc00C|r) Watery Minion Hotkey=C [BNwm] // watery minion makrura [Aslp] Tip=(|cffffcc00C|r) Summon Prawns Hotkey=C // Tornado [ANto] Tip=(|cffffcc00V|r) Tornado Hotkey=V Researchtip=(|cffffcc00R|r) "Learn Tornado" Researchhotkey=R // Tornado - Slow Aura [Basl] // Tornado - Spin [Btsp] // Healing Ward (Creep) [AChw] Tip=(|cffffcc00Z|r) Healing Ward Hotkey=Z // Rejuvenation (Furbolg) [ACr2] Tip=(|cffffcc00Z|r) Rejuvenation Hotkey=Z // Magic Immunity (Archimonde) // Dark Conversion [ANdc] Tip=(|cffffcc00C|r) Dark Conversion Hotkey=C Researchtip=(|cffffcc00E|r) "Learn Dark Conversion" Researchhotkey=E [BNdc] // Dark Conversion (Fast) [SNdc] Tip=(|cffffcc00C|r) Dark Conversion Hotkey=C Researchtip=(|cffffcc00E|r) "Learn Dark Conversion" Researchhotkey=E // Soul Preservation [ANsl] Tip=(|cffffcc00V|r) Soul Preservation Hotkey=V Researchtip=(|cffffcc00R|r) "Learn Soul Preservation" Researchhotkey=R [BNsp] // Inferno (Tichondrius) [SNin] Tip=(|cffffcc00V|r) Inferno Hotkey=V Researchtip=(|cffffcc00R|r) Learn Inferno Researchhotkey=R [ANfd] Tip=(|cffffcc00V|r) Finger of Death Hotkey=V Researchtip=(|cffffcc00R|r) Learn Finger of Death Researchhotkey=R [ACfd] Tip=(|cffffcc00Z|r) Finger of Pain Hotkey=Z [Afod] Tip=(|cffffcc00V|r) Finger of Death Hotkey=V Researchtip=(|cffffcc00R|r) Learn Finger of Death Researchhotkey=R [ANdp] Tip=(|cffffcc00Z|r) Dark Portal Hotkey=Z Researchtip=(|cffffcc00Q|r) Learn Dark Portal Researchhotkey=Q [ANrc] Tip=(|cffffcc00X|r) Rain of Chaos Hotkey=X Researchtip=(|cffffcc00W|r) Learn Rain of Chaos Researchhotkey=W // Creep Devotion Aura [ACav] Tip=Devotion Aura // Cargo Hold Death [Achd] [Bchd] // Cargo Load [Aloa] Tip=(|cffffcc00Z|r) Load Hotkey=Z // Cargo Unload [Adro] Tip=(|cffffcc00X|r) Unload All Hotkey=X [Sdro] Tip=(|cffffcc00X|r) Unload All Hotkey=X // Cargo Unload (Instant) [Adri] Tip=(|cffffcc00X|r) Unload All Hotkey=X [Asla] Tip=|cffffcc00S|leep // devour cargo hold [Advc] // permanent immolation [ANpi] Tip=Permanent Immolation [Apig] Tip=Permanent Immolation // bunker, orc burrow cargo hold [Abun] // chaos orc burrow battle stations [Sbtl] Tip=(|cffffcc00Z|r) Battle Stations Hotkey=Z // cargo hold, generic [Acar] // Reveal [Andt] Tip=(|cffffcc00R|r) Reveal Hotkey=R // Currently Unused // Neutral G2L Exchange [ANgl] Tip=(|cffffcc00Z|r) Exchange %d Gold for %d Lumber Hotkey=Z // Currently Unused // Neutral L2G Exchange [ANlg] Tip=(|cffffcc00Q|r) Exchange %d Lumber for %d Gold Hotkey=Q [ANrl] // 'select hero to use' ability for neutral buildings [Aneu] Tip=(|cffffcc00Q|r) Select Hero UnTip=(|cffffcc00V|r) Deselect Hero Hotkey=Q UnHotkey=V // select any unit, for buildings [Ane2] Tip=(|cffffcc00Q|r) Select Unit UnTip=(|cffffcc00V|r) Deselect Unit Hotkey=Q UnHotkey=V // Inferno [ANin] Tip=(|cffffcc00V|r) Inferno Hotkey=V Researchtip=(|cffffcc00R|r) Learn Inferno Researchhotkey=R [BNin] // Spy [ANsp] Tip=(|cffffcc00Q|r) Spy Hotkey=Q // Kaboom! [Asds] Tip=(|cffffcc00Z|r) Kaboom! UnTip="|cffc3dbff|cffc3dbffRight-click to activate auto-casting.|r|r" Unubertip="|cffc3dbff|cffc3dbffRight-click to deactivate auto-casting.|r|r" Hotkey=Z UnHotkey=Z // Medivh Crow Form [Amrf] Tip=(|cffffcc00V|r) Crow Form Hotkey=V UnTip=(|cffffcc00V|r) Human Form Unubertip="Turn into a Human." UnHotkey=V // Neutral Unit Healing [Anhe] Tip=(|cffffcc00Z|r) Heal Hotkey=Z UnHotkey=Z // Creep slow [ACsw] Hotkey=Z UnHotkey=Z Tip=(|cffffcc00Z|r) Slow // Creep Thunder Clap [ACtc] Tip=(|cffffcc00X|r) Slam Hotkey=X [BCtc] // Creep Thunder Clap (Thunder Lizard) [ACt2] Tip=(|cffffcc00Z|r) Slam Hotkey=Z // Creep Storm Bolt [ACtb] Tip=(|cffffcc00Z|r) Hurl Boulder Hotkey=Z // Creep Berserker Rage [ACbr] Tip=|cffffcc00B|rerserker Rage Hotkey=B // Creep Bloodlust (B hotkey version) [ACbb] Tip=(|cffffcc00Z|r) Bloodlust Hotkey=Z UnHotkey=Z // Quill Beast Frenzy (beastmaster) [Afzy] Tip=(|cffffcc00Z|r) Frenzy Hotkey=Z UnHotkey=Z [Bfzy] // Creep Bloodlust [ACbl] Tip=(|cffffcc00Z|r) Bloodlust Hotkey=Z UnHotkey=Z // Creep Ensnare [ACen] Tip=(|cffffcc00Z|r) Ensnare Hotkey=Z // Dragon Creep Devour [ACdv] Tip=(|cffffcc00Z|r) Devour Hotkey=Z // Creep Sleep [ACsp] // demon reincarnation [ANrn] Tip=Reincarnation Researchtip=(|cffffcc00E|r) Learn Reincarnation Hotkey=C UnHotkey=C Researchhotkey=E // Creep Firebolt (like storm bolt, only fiery) [ANfb] Tip=(|cffffcc00Z|r) Firebolt Hotkey=Z Researchtip=(|cffffcc00Z|r) "Learn Firebolt, Level %d" Researchhotkey=Z [ACad] Tip=(|cffffcc00V|r) Animate Dead Hotkey=V // creep (demon) mana burn [Ambd] Tip=(|cffffcc00Z|r) Mana Burn Hotkey=Z [Amnb] Tip=(|cffffcc00Z|r) Mana Burn Hotkey=Z [Ambb] Tip=(|cffffcc00Z|r) Mana Burn Hotkey=Z // blizzard [ACbz] Tip=(|cffffcc00Z|r) Blizzard Hotkey=Z // bloodlust [ACbl] // cannibalize [ACcn] Tip=(|cffffcc00Z|r) Cannibalize Hotkey=Z // carrion swarm [ACca] Tip=(|cffffcc00Z|r) Carrion Swarm Hotkey=Z // chain lightning [ACcl] Tip=(|cffffcc00Z|r) Chain Lightning Hotkey=Z // cold arrows [ACcw] Tip=(|cffffcc00Z|r) Cold Arrows Hotkey=Z UnHotkey=Z // cripple [ACcr] Tip=(|cffffcc00C|r) Cripple Hotkey=C // critical strike [ACct] Tip=Critical Strike // curse [ACcs] Tip=(|cffffcc00Z|r) Curse Hotkey=Z UnHotkey=Z // cyclone [ACcy] Tip=(|cffffcc00X|r) Cyclone Hotkey=X [SCc1] Tip=(|cffffcc00S|r) Cyclone Hotkey=S Tip=(|cffffcc00V|r) Death And Decay Hotkey=V Researchtip=(|cffffcc00R|r) "Learn Death And Decay" Researchhotkey=R // death coil [ACdc] Tip=(|cffffcc00Z|r) Death Coil Hotkey=Z [Adsm] Tip=(|cffffcc00Z|r) Dispel Magic Hotkey=Z // auto-dispel magic [ACdm] Tip=(|cffffcc00Z|r) Abolish Magic Hotkey=Z UnHotkey=Z // divine shield [ACds] Tip=(|cffffcc00X|r) Activate Divine Shield UnTip=(|cffffcc00X|r) Deactivate Divine Shield Hotkey=X UnHotkey=X // super earthquake [SNeq] Tip=(|cffffcc00V|r) Earthquake Hotkey=V Researchtip=(|cffffcc00R|r) "Learn Earthquake" Researchhotkey=R // endurance aura [SCae] Tip=Endurance Aura // ensnare [ACen] Tip=(|cffffcc00Z|r) Ensnare Hotkey=Z // entangling roots [Aenr] Tip=(|cffffcc00Z|r) Entangling Roots Hotkey=Z // faerie fire [ACff] Tip=(|cffffcc00Z|r) Faerie Fire Hotkey=Z UnHotkey=Z // feral spirit [ACsf] Tip=(|cffffcc00C|r) Feral Spirit Hotkey=C // spirit pig [ACs9] Tip=(|cffffcc00X|r) Feral Spirit Hotkey=X // firebolt [ACfb] Tip=(|cffffcc00Z|r) Firebolt Hotkey=Z // force of nature [ACfr] Tip=(|cffffcc00X|r) Force of Nature Hotkey=X // frost armor (old, creep) [ACfa] Tip=(|cffffcc00X|r) Frost Armor Hotkey=X // frost armor (new, creep, autocast) [ACf2] Tip=(|cffffcc00X|r) Frost Armor Hotkey=X // frost armor (autocast) [ACfu] Tip=|cffffcc00F|rrost Armor Hotkey=F // frost nova [ACfn] Tip=(|cffffcc00Z|r) Frost Nova Hotkey=Z // archimonde's ghouls harvest lumber [Ahr2] Tip=(|cffffcc00F|r) Gather UnTip=(|cffffcc00F|r) Return Resources Unubertip="Return the carried lumber to the nearest building capable of receiving it." Hotkey=F UnHotkey=F // goblin shredder's harvest lumber [Ahr3] Tip=(|cffffcc00F|r) Gather UnTip=(|cffffcc00F|r) Return Resources Unubertip="Return the carried lumber to the nearest building capable of receiving it." Hotkey=F UnHotkey=F // heal [Anh1] Tip=(|cffffcc00Z|r) Heal Hotkey=Z UnHotkey=Z [Anh2] Tip=(|cffffcc00Z|r) Heal Hotkey=Z UnHotkey=Z // healing ward [AChd] // immolation [ACim] Tip=(|cffffcc00X|r) Activate Immolation Unubertip="Deactivate Immolation to stop draining mana." Hotkey=X UnTip=(|cffffcc00X|r) Deactivate Immolation UnHotkey=X [ACma] // inner fire [ACif] Tip=(|cffffcc00C|r) Inner Fire Hotkey=C UnHotkey=C // lightning shield [ACls] Tip=(|cffffcc00X|r) Lightning Shield Hotkey=X // load, orc burrow [Sloa] Tip=(|cffffcc00Z|r) Load Hotkey=Z // load ships [Slo3] Tip=(|cffffcc00Z|r) Load Hotkey=Z // polymorph [ACpy] Tip=(|cffffcc00C|r) Polymorph Hotkey=C // possession [ACps] Tip=(|cffffcc00C|r) Possession Hotkey=C // pulverize [ACpv] Tip=Pulverize // purge [ACpu] Tip=(|cffffcc00Z|r) Purge Hotkey=Z // rain of fire [ACrf] Tip=(|cffffcc00V|r) Rain of Fire Hotkey=V // raise dead [ACrd] Tip=(|cffffcc00Z|r) Raise Dead Hotkey=Z UnHotkey=Z // rejuvenation [ACrj] Tip=(|cffffcc00X|r) Rejuvenation Hotkey=X // roar [ACro] Tip=(|cffffcc00Z|r) Roar Hotkey=Z // roar skeletal orc champion [ACr1] Tip=(|cffffcc00Z|r) Roar Hotkey=Z // root [Aro1] Tip=(|cffffcc00V|r) Root Hotkey=V UnTip=(|cffffcc00V|r) Uproot Unubertip="Allows the Ancient to pull itself up out of the ground so that it can move and engage units in melee combat. Also gives the Ancient heavy armor." UnHotkey=V [Aro2] Tip=(|cffffcc00V|r) Root Hotkey=V UnTip=(|cffffcc00V|r) Uproot Unubertip="Allows the Ancient to pull itself up out of the ground so that it can move and engage units in melee combat. Also gives the Ancient heavy armor." UnHotkey=V // searing arrows [ACsa] Tip=(|cffffcc00X|r) Searing Arrows Hotkey=X UnHotkey=X // shockwave [ACsh] Tip=(|cffffcc00Z|r) Shockwave Hotkey=Z [ACst] Tip=(|cffffcc00Z|r) Shockwave Hotkey=Z // sleep [ACsl] Tip=(|cffffcc00X|r) Sleep Hotkey=X // slow [ACuf] Tip=(|cffffcc00X|r) Unholy Frenzy Hotkey=X // vampiric attack [SCva] // vampiric aura [ACvp] Tip=Vampiric Aura // war stomp [Awrs] Tip=(|cffffcc00X|r) War Stomp Hotkey=X // war stomp (Ancient Hydra) [Awrh] Tip=(|cffffcc00X|r) War Stomp Hotkey=X // war stomp (Sea Giant) [Awrg] Tip=(|cffffcc00X|r) War Stomp Hotkey=X // Pulverize (sea giant) [ACpv] Tip=Pulverize // venom spears [ACvs] Tip=Envenomed Weapons // web [ACwb] Tip=(|cffffcc00Z|r) Web UnTip="|cffc3dbff|cffc3dbffRight-click to activate auto-casting." Hotkey=Z UnHotkey=Z // Crushing Wave [ACcv] Tip=(|cffffcc00Z|r) Crushing Wave - [|cffffcc00Level 1|r],(|cffffcc00Z|r) Crushing Wave - [|cffffcc00Level 2|r],(|cffffcc00Z|r) Crushing Wave - [|cffffcc00Level 3|r] Hotkey=Z Researchtip=(|cffffcc00Q|r) "Learn Crushing Wave - [|cffffcc00Level %d|r]" Researchhotkey=Q // summon sea elemental [ACwe] Tip=(|cffffcc00X|r) Summon Sea Elemental Hotkey=X // neutral interact [Anei] Tip=(|cffffcc00V|r) Select User Hotkey=V // permanent flyer immolation [Apmf] Tip=Phoenix Fire // neutral version of resistant skin [ACrk] Tip=Resistant Skin // neutral version of resistant skin (altered button pos) [ACsk] Tip=Resistant Skin // Forked Lightning [ANfl] Tip=(|cffffcc00Z|r) Forked Lightning - [|cffffcc00Level 1|r],(|cffffcc00Z|r) Forked Lightning - [|cffffcc00Level 2|r],(|cffffcc00Z|r) Forked Lightning - [|cffffcc00Level 3|r] Hotkey=Z Researchtip=(|cffffcc00Q|r) "Learn Forked Lightning - [|cffffcc00Level %d|r]" Researchhotkey=Q // Forked Lightning [ACfl] Tip=(|cffffcc00Z|r) Forked Lightning Hotkey=Z Tip=Hire Giant Skeleton Warrior [nskm] Hotkey=K Tip=Hire S|cffffcc00k|reletal Marksman [nskf] Hotkey=Q Tip=(|cffffcc00Q|r) Hire Burning Archer // dragon hawk 1 [nws1] Hotkey=W Tip=(|cffffcc00W|r) Train Dragon Hawk [nban] Hotkey=B Tip=Hire |cffffcc00B|randit [nbrg] Tip=Hire Brigand [nrog] Hotkey=R Tip=Hire |cffffcc00R|rogue [nenf] Hotkey=E Tip=Hire |cffffcc00E|rnforcer [nbld] Tip=Hire Bandit Lord [nass] Tip=Hire |cffffcc00A|rssassin Hotkey=A [nbdk] Tip=Summon Black Dra|cffffcc00k|re Hotkey=K [nrdk] Tip=Summon Red Dragon |cffffcc00W|rhelp Hotkey=W [nbdr] Tip=Summon Black Dragon |cffffcc00W|rhelp Hotkey=W [nrdr] Tip=Summon Red Dra|cffffcc00k|re Hotkey=K [nbwm] Tip=Summon Black |cffffcc00D|rragon Hotkey=D [nrwm] Hotkey=D Tip=Summon Red |cffffcc00D|rragon [nadr] Tip=Summon Blue |cffffcc00D|rragon Hotkey=D [nadw] Tip=Summon Blue Dragon |cffffcc00W|rhelp Hotkey=W [nadk] Tip=Summon Blue Dra|cffffcc00k|re Hotkey=K [nbzd] Tip=Summon Bronze |cffffcc00D|rragon Hotkey=D [nbzk] Tip=Summon Bronze Dra|cffffcc00k|re Hotkey=K [nbzw] Tip=Summon Bronze Dragon |cffffcc00W|rhelp Hotkey=W [ngrd] Tip=Summon Green |cffffcc00D|rragon Hotkey=D [ngdk] Tip=Summon Green Dra|cffffcc00k|re Hotkey=K [ngrw] Tip=Summon Green Dragon |cffffcc00W|rhelp Hotkey=W // red dragon roost building [ndrr] Tip=Build Red Dragon Roost // green dragon roost building [ndrg] Tip=Build Green Dragon Roost // bronze dragon roost building [ndrz] Tip=Build Bronze Dragon Roost // black dragon roost building [ndrk] Tip=Build Black Dragon Roost // blue dragon roost building [ndru] Tip=Build Blue Dragon Roost [ncea] Tip=(|cffffcc00Q|r) Hire Centaur Archer Hotkey=Q [ncim] Tip=Hire Centaur Impaler [ncen] Tip=(|cffffcc00Q|r) Hire Centaur Outrunner Hotkey=Q [ncer] Hotkey=D Tip=Hire Centaur |cffffcc00D|rrudge [ncks] Tip=Hire Centaur Sorcerer [ncnk] Tip=Hire Centaur Khan [ndth] Hotkey=H Tip=Hire Dark Troll |cffffcc00H|righ Priest [ndtp] Hotkey=P Tip=Hire Dark Troll Shadow |cffffcc00P|rriest [ndtb] Hotkey=B Tip=Hire Dark Troll |cffffcc00B|rerserker [ndtw] Hotkey=W Tip=Hire Dark Troll |cffffcc00W|rarlord [ndtr] Hotkey=T Tip=Hire Dark |cffffcc00T|rroll [ndtt] Hotkey=D Tip=Hire |cffffcc00D|rark Troll Trapper [nelb] Tip=Summon Berserk Elemental [nele] Tip=Summon Enraged Elemental [nenc] Tip=Summon Corrupted Treant [nenp] Tip=Summon Poison Treant [nepl] Tip=Summon Plague Treant // fel hunter [nfel] Tip=Summon Fel Hunter [nfsh] Hotkey=H Tip=Hire Forest Troll |cffffcc00H|righ Priest [nfsp] Hotkey=Q Tip=(|cffffcc00Q|r) Hire Forest Troll Shadow Priest [nftr] Hotkey=T Tip=Hire Forest |cffffcc00T|rroll [nftb] Hotkey=W Tip=(|cffffcc00W|r) Hire Forest Troll Berserker [nftt] Hotkey=F Tip=Hire |cffffcc00F|rorest Troll Trapper [nftk] Hotkey=W Tip=Hire Forest Troll |cffffcc00W|rarlord [ngad] Tip=Build Goblin Laboratory [ngme] Tip=Build Goblin Merchant [nshp] Tip=Build Goblin Shipyard [ngrk] Hotkey=E Tip=(|cffffcc00E|r) Summon Mud Golem [ngst] Tip=Summon Rock Golem [nggr] Tip=Summon Granite Golem [narg] Tip=Summon Battle Golem [nwrg] Tip=Summon War Golem [nsgg] Tip=Summon Siege Golem [ngir] Hotkey=E Tip=(|cffffcc00E|r) Hire Goblin Shredder // Furbolg level 4 [nfrl] Tip=Hire Furbolg // Furbolg Tracker level 6 [nfrb] Tip=Hire Furbolg Tracker // Furbolg Champion level 7 [nfrg] Tip=Hire Furbolg Champion // Furbolg level 9 [nfra] Tip=Hire Furbolg Ursa Warrior // Furbolg Shaman level 4 [nfrs] Tip=(|cffffcc00Q|r) Hire Furbolg Shaman Hotkey=Q // Furbolg Elder Shaman level 7 [nfre] Tip=Hire Furbolg Elder Shaman [ngh1] Tip=Summon Ghost [ngh2] Tip=Summon Wraith [ngna] Tip=(|cffffcc00Q|r) Hire Gnoll Poarcher Hotkey=Q [ngns] Tip=(|cffffcc00Q|r) Hire Gnoll Assassin Hotkey=Q [ngno] Tip=(|cffffcc00Q|r) Hire Gnoll Robber Hotkey=Q [ngnb] Tip=(|cffffcc00Q|r) Hire Gnoll Brute Hotkey=Q [ngnw] Tip=(|cffffcc00W|r) Hire Gnoll Warden Hotkey=W [ngnv] Tip=(|cffffcc00R|r) Hire Gnoll Overseer Hotkey=R [ngol] Tip=Build Gold Mine [ngsp] Tip=(|cffffcc00Q|r) Hire Goblin Sapper Hotkey=Q [nhar] Tip=Hire Harpy Scout [nhrr] Tip=(|cffffcc00W|r) Hire Harpy Rogue Hotkey=W [nhrw] Tip=(|cffffcc00E|r) Hire Harpy Windwitch Hotkey=E [nhrh] Tip=Hire Harpy Storm-hag [nhrq] Tip=Hire Harpy Queen // heretics [nhfp] Tip=Hire Fallen Priest [nhdc] Tip=Hire Deceiver [nhhr] Tip=Hire Heretic [nitr] Tip=Hire Ice Troll [nits] Tip=(|cffffcc00W|r) Hire Ice Troll Berserker Hotkey=W [nitt] Tip=(|cffffcc00Q|r) Hire Ice Troll Trapper Hotkey=Q [nitw] Tip=Hire Ice Troll Warlord [nith] Tip=Hire Ice Troll High Priest [nitp] Tip=Hire Ice Troll Priest [nkob] Tip=Hire |cffffcc00K|robold Hotkey=K [nkog] Tip=(|cffffcc00E|r) Hire Kobold Geomancer Hotkey=E [nkol] Tip=Hire Kobold Taskmaster [nkot] Tip=Hire Kobold Tunneler [nltl] Tip=Summon Lightning Lizard [nlur] Tip=Create Monster Lure [nthl] Tip=Summon |cffffcc00T|rhunder Lizard Hotkey=T [nstw] Tip=Summon Storm Wyrm [nmfs] Tip=(|cffffcc00Q|r) Hire Murloc Flesheater Hotkey=Q [nmmu] Tip=Hire Murloc Mutant [nmpg] Tip=Hire Murloc Plaguebearer [nmrl] Tip=Hire Murloc Tiderunner [nmrr] Tip=Hire Murloc |cffffcc00H|runtsman Hotkey=H [nmrm] Tip=Hire Murloc Nightcrawler [nowb] Tip=(|cffffcc00W|r) Summon Wildkin Hotkey=W [nowe] Tip=Summon Enraged Wildkin [nowk] Tip=Summon Berserk Wildkin [nrzs] Tip=Hire Razormane Scout [nrzb] Tip=Hire Razormane Brute [nrzm] Tip=(|cffffcc00R|r) Hire Razormane Medicine Man Hotkey=R [nrzg] Tip=Hire Razormane Chieftain [nrzt] Tip=Hire Quillboar [nqbh] Tip=Hire Quillboar Hunter [nspd] Tip=Summon Spiderling [nnwa] Tip=(|cffffcc00Q|r) Summon Nerubian Warrior Hotkey=Q [nnwl] Tip=(|cffffcc00E|r) Summon Nerubian Webspinner Hotkey=E [nnws] Tip=Summon Nerubian Spider Lord [nnwr] Tip=Summon Nerubian Seer [nnwq] Tip=Summon Nerubian Queen [nmer] Tip=Build Mercenary Camp [nmr2] Tip=Build Mercenary Camp [nmr3] Tip=Build Mercenary Camp [nmr4] Tip=Build Mercenary Camp [nmr5] Tip=Build Mercenary Camp [nmr6] Tip=Build Mercenary Camp [nmr7] Tip=Build Mercenary Camp [nmr8] Tip=Build Mercenary Camp [nmr9] Tip=Build Mercenary Camp [nmr0] Tip=Build Mercenary Camp [nmra] Tip=Build Mercenary Camp [nmrb] Tip=Build Mercenary Camp [nmrc] Tip=Build Mercenary Camp [ntav] Tip=Build Tavern [nmoo] Tip=Build Fountain of Mana [nfoh] Tip=Build Fountain of Health [nmrk] Tip=Build Marketplace // ogre 1 [nogr] Tip=(|cffffcc00Q|r) Hire Ogre Warrior Hotkey=Q // ogre 2 [nogm] Tip=(|cffffcc00Q|r) Hire Ogre Mauler Hotkey=Q // ogre lord [nogl] Tip=(|cffffcc00Q|r) Hire Ogre Lord Hotkey=Q // ogre magi [nomg] Tip=Hire O|cffffcc00g|rre Magi Hotkey=G [nrvf] Tip=Summon Fire Revenant [nrvs] Tip=(|cffffcc00R|r) Summon Frost Revenant Hotkey=R [nrvl] Tip=Summon Lightning Revenant [nrvi] Tip=Summon Ice Revenant [nrvd] Tip=Summon Death Revenant [nslm] Tip=Summon Sludge Minion [nslf] Tip=(|cffffcc00W|r) Summon Sludge Flinger Hotkey=W [nsln] Tip=Summon Sludge Monstrosity [nslh] Tip=Summon Salamander Hatchling [nslr] Tip=Summon Salamander [nslv] Tip=Summon Salamander Vizier [nsll] Tip=Summon Salamander Lord // satyr 1 [nsat] Tip=Hire Satyr Trickster // satyr 2 [nsts] Tip=Hire Satyr |cffffcc00S|rhadowdancer Hotkey=S // satyr 3 [nsth] Tip=Hire Satyr Hellcaller [nstl] Tip=(|cffffcc00E|r) Hire Satyr Soulstealer Hotkey=E [nsty] Tip=Hire Satyr [nspb] Tip=Summon Black Spider [nspr] Tip=Summon Spider [nsgt] Tip=Summon Giant Spider [nssp] Tip=Summon Spitting Spider [nsbm] Tip=Summon Brood Mother [nspg] Tip=Summon Forest Spider [nsqt] Tip=Summon Sasquatch [nsqe] Tip=Summon Elder Sasquatch [nsqo] Tip=Summon Sasquatch Oracle [nsqa] Tip=Summon Ancient Sasquatch [ndog] Tip=Invoke Dog [npig] Tip=Invoke Pig [nder] Tip=Invoke Stag [nsea] Tip=Invoke Seal [nshe] Tip=Invoke Sheep [nsha] Tip=Invoke Sheep [nshw] Tip=Invoke Sheep [nshf] Tip=Invoke Uber Sheep // male villager [nvil] Tip=Hire Villager // kid villager [nvlk] Tip=Hire Villager // female villager [nvlw] Tip=Hire Villager [nvul] Tip=Invoke Vulture [nwen] Tip=Summon Wendigo [nwlt] Tip=Summon Timber Wolf [nwlg] Tip=Summon Giant Wolf [nwld] Tip=Summon Dire Wolf [nwwf] Tip=Summon Frost Wolf [nwwg] Tip=Summon Giant Frost Wolf [nwwd] Tip=Summon Dire Frost Wolf [nwnr] Tip=Summon Elder Wendigo [nwna] Tip=Summon Ancient Wendigo [nwns] Tip=Summon Wendigo Shaman [nwzr] Tip=Hire Rogue Wizard [nwzg] Tip=Hire Renegade Wizard [nwiz] Tip=Hire Apprentice Wizard [nwzd] Tip=Hire Dark Wizard [nzep] Tip=(|cffffcc00W|r) Hire Goblin Zeppelin Hotkey=W [ninf] Tip=Summon Infernal [nbal] Tip=Summon Doom Guard // neutral heroes [Npbm] Hotkey=D Tip=(|cffffcc00D|r) Summon Pandaren Brewmaster Revivetip=Revive Pa|cffffcc00n|rdaren Brewmaster Awakentip=Revive Pa|cffffcc00n|rdaren Brewmaster [npn1] Tip=Summon |cffffcc00F|rire Hotkey=F [npn2] Tip=Summon S|cffffcc00t|rorm Hotkey=T [npn3] Tip=Summon |cffffcc00E|rarth Hotkey=E [Nbrn] Hotkey=S Tip=(|cffffcc00S|r) Summon Dark Ranger Revivetip=Revive Dark |cffffcc00R|ranger Awakentip=Revive Dark |cffffcc00R|ranger [ntrt] Tip=(|cffffcc00Q|r) Hire Giant Sea Turtle Hotkey=Q Tip=(|cffffcc00R|r) Hire Makrura Deepseer Hotkey=R [nlsn] Tip=(|cffffcc00W|r) Hire Makrura Snapper Hotkey=W [nlkl] Tip=Hire Makrura Tidal Lord [nmcf] Tip=Hire Mur'gul Cliffrunner [nmbg] Tip=Hire Mur'gul Blood-Gill [nmtw] Tip=Hire Mur'gul Tidewarrior [nmsn] Tip=(|cffffcc00E|r) Hire Mur'gul Snarecaster Hotkey=E [nmrv] Tip=Hire Mur'gul Marauder [nmsc] Tip=Hire Mur'gul Shadowcaster [nscb] Tip=(|cffffcc00Q|r) Hire Spider Crab Shorecrawler Hotkey=Q [nbot] Hotkey=Q Tip=(|cffffcc00Q|r) Hire Transport Ship [nfrp] Tip=Hire Pandaren [Nngs] Hotkey=A Tip=(|cffffcc00A|r) Summon Naga Sea Witch Revivetip=Revive Na|cffffcc00g|ra Sea Witch Awakentip=Revive Na|cffffcc00g|ra Sea Witch [Nplh] Hotkey=Z Tip=(|cffffcc00Z|r) Summon Pit Lord Revivetip=Revive P|cffffcc00i|rt Lord Awakentip=Revive P|cffffcc00i|rt Lord [Nbst] Hotkey=X Tip=(|cffffcc00X|r) Summon Beastmaster Revivetip=Revive Bea|cffffcc00s|rtmaster Awakentip=Revive Bea|cffffcc00s|rtmaster [nsc2] Tip=(|cffffcc00Q|r) Hire Spider Crab Hotkey=Q [nsc3] Tip=(|cffffcc00Q|r) Hire Spider Crab Hotkey=Q // Non-race-specific upgrades // glyph of fortification [Rgfo] // glyph of ultravision [Rguv] // Vengeance [Avng] Tip=(|cffffcc00Z|r) Spirit of Vengeance Hotkey=Z [Bvng] // Mana Flare [Amfl] Tip=(|cffffcc00X|r) Mana Flare UnTip=(|cffffcc00X|r) Stop Mana Flare Unubertip="Stops channeling Mana Flare." Hotkey=X UnHotkey=X [Bmfl] [Bmfa] // Phase Shift [Apsh] Tip=(|cffffcc00Z|r) Phase Shift UnTip="|cffc3dbff|cffc3dbffRight-click to activate auto-casting.|r|r" Hotkey=Z UnHotkey=Z [Bpsh] // Ethereal [Aetl] Tip=Ethereal Hotkey=C // War Club [Agra] Tip=(|cffffcc00X|r) War Club Hotkey=X // Hardened Skin [Assk] Tip=Hardened Skin Hotkey=C // Resistant Skin [Arsk] Tip=Resistant Skin Hotkey=V // Taunt [Atau] Tip=(|cffffcc00Z|r) Taunt Hotkey=Z // Blink [AEbl] Tip=(|cffffcc00X|r) Blink - [|cffffcc00Level 1|r],(|cffffcc00X|r) Blink - [|cffffcc00Level 2|r],(|cffffcc00X|r) Blink - [|cffffcc00Level 3|r] Hotkey=X Researchtip=(|cffffcc00W|r) "Learn Blink - [|cffffcc00Level %d|r]" Researchhotkey=W // Fan of Knives [AEfk] Tip=(|cffffcc00Z|r) Fan of Knives - [|cffffcc00Level 1|r],(|cffffcc00Z|r) Fan of Knives - [|cffffcc00Level 2|r],(|cffffcc00Z|r) Fan of Knives - [|cffffcc00Level 3|r] Hotkey=Z Researchtip=(|cffffcc00Q|r) "Learn Fan of Knives - [|cffffcc00Level %d|r]" Researchhotkey=Q // Shadow Strike [AEsh] Tip=(|cffffcc00C|r) Shadow Strike - [|cffffcc00Level 1|r],(|cffffcc00C|r) Shadow Strike - [|cffffcc00Level 2|r],(|cffffcc00C|r) Shadow Strike - [|cffffcc00Level 3|r] Hotkey=C Researchtip=(|cffffcc00E|r) "Learn Shadow Strike - [|cffffcc00Level %d|r]" Researchhotkey=E // Shadow Strike Non Stack Buff [BEsh] // Shadow Strike Stack Buff [BEsi] // Vengeance [AEsv] Tip=(|cffffcc00V|r) Vengeance Hotkey=V Researchtip=(|cffffcc00R|r) "Learn Vengeance" Researchhotkey=R [BEsv] // Cargo Load entangled mine [Slo2] Tip=(|cffffcc00Z|r) Load Wisp Hotkey=Z [Aimp] Tip=Impaling Bolt [Amgl] Tip=Moon Glaive [Amgr] Tip=Moon Glaive [Aspo] Tip=Slow Poison // Slow Poison Non Stack Buff [Bspo] // Slow Poison Stack Buff [Bssd] // Shadow Meld passive nighttime cloaking ability, with its "Hide" button [Ashm] Tip=(|cffffcc00D|r) Hide Hotkey=D [Sshm] Tip=(|cffffcc00D|r) Hide Hotkey=D // Sentinel [Aesn] Tip=(|cffffcc00Z|r) Sentinel Hotkey=Z // Sentinel [Aesr] Tip=(|cffffcc00Z|r) Sentinel Hotkey=Z // Eat Tree [Aeat] Tip=(|cffffcc00Z|r) Eat Tree Hotkey=Z // Moon pool mana battery [Ambt] Tip=(|cffffcc00Q|r) Replenish Mana and Life UnTip="|cffc3dbff|cffc3dbffRight-click to activate auto-casting.|r|r" Hotkey=Q UnHotkey=Q // Wisp Harvest [Awha] Tip=(|cffffcc00F|r) Gather Hotkey=F // Wisp Harvest (Invulnerable) [Awh2] Tip=(|cffffcc00F|r) Gather Hotkey=F // Detonate [Adtn] Tip=(|cffffcc00X|r) Detonate Hotkey=X // Wisp Healing [Awhe] Tip=(|cffffcc00C|r) Heal Hotkey=C UnHotkey=C // Entangle [Aent] Tip=(|cffffcc00X|r) Entangle Gold Mine Hotkey=X // Entangled Gold Mine Cargo [Aenc] Tip=(|cffffcc00X|r) Load Hotkey=X UnTip=(|cffffcc00Z|r) Unload All Unubertip="Removes all Wisps from the gold mine." UnHotkey=Z // Root [Aroo] Tip=(|cffffcc00V|r) Root Hotkey=V UnTip=(|cffffcc00V|r) Uproot Unubertip="Allows the Ancient to pull itself up out of the ground so that it can move and engage units in melee combat. Also gives the Ancient heavy armor." UnHotkey=V // Bear Form [Abrf] Tip=(|cffffcc00V|r) Bear Form Hotkey=V UnTip=(|cffffcc00V|r) Night Elf Form Unubertip="Transforms the Druid into a Night Elf." UnHotkey=V [Sbr2] // Crow Form [Arav] Tip=(|cffffcc00V|r) Storm Crow Form Hotkey=V UnTip=(|cffffcc00V|r) Night Elf Form Unubertip="Transforms the Druid into a Night Elf." UnHotkey=V [Sra2] // Auto-Dispel Magic [Aadm] Tip=(|cffffcc00Z|r) Abolish Magic Hotkey=Z UnHotkey=Z // Spell Immunity [Amim] Tip=Spell Immunity // Ultravision [Ault] // Mount Hippogryph [Acoa] Tip=(|cffffcc00Z|r) Mount Hippogryph Hotkey=Z // Mount Hippogryph [Aco2] Tip=(|cffffcc00Z|r) Mount Hippogryph Hotkey=Z // Pick up Archer [Acoh] Tip=(|cffffcc00Z|r) Pick up Archer Hotkey=Z // Pick up Archer [Aco3] Tip=(|cffffcc00Z|r) Pick up Archer Hotkey=Z // Dismount [Adec] Tip=(|cffffcc00Z|r) Dismount Archer & Hippogryph Hotkey=Z // Corrosive Breath [Acor] Tip=Corrosive Breath [Bcor] // Mana Burn [AEmb] Tip=(|cffffcc00Z|r) Mana Burn - [|cffffcc00Level 1|r],(|cffffcc00Z|r) Mana Burn - [|cffffcc00Level 2|r],(|cffffcc00Z|r) Mana Burn - [|cffffcc00Level 3|r] Hotkey=Z Researchtip=(|cffffcc00Q|r) "Learn Mana Burn - [|cffffcc00Level %d|r]" Researchhotkey=Q // Immolation [AEim] Tip=(|cffffcc00X|r) Activate Immolation - [|cffffcc00Level 1|r],(|cffffcc00X|r) Activate Immolation - [|cffffcc00Level 2|r],(|cffffcc00X|r) Activate Immolation - [|cffffcc00Level 3|r] Unubertip="Deactivate Immolation to stop draining mana. Hotkey=X UnTip=(|cffffcc00X|r) Deactivate Immolation UnHotkey=X Researchtip=(|cffffcc00W|r) "Learn Immolation - [|cffffcc00Level %d|r]" Researchhotkey=W [BEim] // Evasion [AEev] Tip=Evasion - [|cffffcc00Level 1|r],Evasion - [|cffffcc00Level 2|r],Evasion - [|cffffcc00Level 3|r] Researchtip=(|cffffcc00E|r) "Learn Evasion - [|cffffcc00Level %d|r]" Researchhotkey=E // Metamorphosis [AEme] Tip=(|cffffcc00V|r) Metamorphosis Hotkey=V Researchtip=(|cffffcc00R|r) Learn Metamorphosis Researchhotkey=R // Illidan Metamorphosis [AEIl] Tip=(|cffffcc00V|r) Metamorphosis Hotkey=V Researchtip=(|cffffcc00R|r) Learn Metamorphosis Researchhotkey=R // Illidan Metamorphosis [AEvi] Tip=(|cffffcc00V|r) Metamorphosis Hotkey=V Researchtip=(|cffffcc00R|r) Learn Metamorphosis Researchhotkey=R [BEme] // Entangling Roots [AEer] Tip=(|cffffcc00Z|r) Entangling Roots - [|cffffcc00Level 1|r],(|cffffcc00Z|r) Entangling Roots - [|cffffcc00Level 2|r],(|cffffcc00Z|r) Entangling Roots - [|cffffcc00Level 3|r] Hotkey=Z Researchtip=(|cffffcc00Q|r) "Learn Entangling Roots - [|cffffcc00Level %d|r]" Researchhotkey=Q [BEer] // Force of Nature [AEfn] Tip=(|cffffcc00X|r) Force of Nature - [|cffffcc00Level 1|r],(|cffffcc00X|r) Force of Nature - [|cffffcc00Level 2|r],(|cffffcc00X|r) Force of Nature - [|cffffcc00Level 3|r] Hotkey=X Researchtip=(|cffffcc00W|r) "Learn Force of Nature - [|cffffcc00Level %d|r]" Researchhotkey=W [BEfn] // Thorns Aura [AEah] Tip=Thorns Aura - [|cffffcc00Level 1|r],Thorns Aura - [|cffffcc00Level 2|r],Thorns Aura - [|cffffcc00Level 3|r] Researchtip=(|cffffcc00E|r) "Learn Thorns Aura - [|cffffcc00Level %d|r]" Researchhotkey=E [BEah] // Tranquility [AEtq] Tip=(|cffffcc00V|r) Tranquility Hotkey=V Researchtip=(|cffffcc00R|r) "Learn Tranquility" Researchhotkey=R Globalmessage= Globalsound= // Scout [AEst] Tip=(|cffffcc00Z|r) Scout - [|cffffcc00Level 1|r],(|cffffcc00Z|r) Scout - [|cffffcc00Level 2|r],(|cffffcc00Z|r) Scout - [|cffffcc00Level 3|r] Hotkey=Z Researchtip=(|cffffcc00Q|r) "Learn Scout - [|cffffcc00Level %d|r]" Researchhotkey=Q [BEst] // Searing Arrows [AHfa] Tip=(|cffffcc00X|r) Searing Arrows - [|cffffcc00Level 1|r],(|cffffcc00X|r) Searing Arrows - [|cffffcc00Level 2|r],(|cffffcc00X|r) Searing Arrows - [|cffffcc00Level 3|r] Hotkey=X UnHotkey=X Researchtip=(|cffffcc00W|r) "Learn Searing Arrows - [|cffffcc00Level %d|r]" Researchhotkey=W // Trueshot Aura [AEar] Tip=Trueshot Aura - [|cffffcc00Level 1|r],Trueshot Aura - [|cffffcc00Level 2|r],Trueshot Aura - [|cffffcc00Level 3|r] Researchtip=(|cffffcc00E|r) "Learn Trueshot Aura - [|cffffcc00Level %d|r]" Researchhotkey=E [BEar] // Starfall [AEsf] Tip=(|cffffcc00V|r) Starfall Hotkey=V Researchtip=(|cffffcc00R|r) Learn Starfall Researchhotkey=R // beefy starfall - campaign spell [AEsb] Tip=(|cffffcc00V|r) Starfall Hotkey=V Researchtip=(|cffffcc00R|r) Learn Starfall Researchhotkey=R // Faerie Fire [Afae] Tip=(|cffffcc00Z|r) Faerie Fire Hotkey=Z UnHotkey=Z // Faerie Fire [Afa2] Tip=(|cffffcc00Z|r) Faerie Fire Hotkey=Z UnHotkey=Z [Bfae] // Cyclone //Unused line: When that unit lands, its movement speed is slowed by a factor of , and it will regain 1/ of its movement every seconds. [Acyc] Tip=(|cffffcc00X|r) Cyclone Hotkey=X [Bcyc] [Bcy2] // Rejuvenation [Arej] Tip=(|cffffcc00X|r) Rejuvenation Hotkey=X // Roar [Aroa] Tip=(|cffffcc00Z|r) Roar Hotkey=Z // Roar [Ara2] Tip=(|cffffcc00Z|r) Roar Hotkey=Z [Broa] [Alit] // used by creep ability [Bbar] // tree of life upgrade [Atol] [ebal] Hotkey=E Tip=(|cffffcc00E|r) Train Ballista [etrp] Hotkey=R Tip=(|cffffcc00R|r) Create Ancient Protector [echm] Hotkey=Q Tip=(|cffffcc00Q|r) Train Chimaera [edoc] Hotkey=W Tip=(|cffffcc00W|r) Train Druid of the Claw [edcm] Hotkey=W Tip=(|cffffcc00W|r) Train Druid of the Claw [edot] Hotkey=W Tip=(|cffffcc00W|r) Train Druid of the Talon [edtm] Hotkey=W Tip=(|cffffcc00W|r) Train Druid of the Talon [egol] [ewsp] Hotkey=Q Tip=(|cffffcc00Q|r) Train Wisp [Edem] Hotkey=Z Tip=(|cffffcc00Z|r) Summon Demon Hunter Revivetip=Revive |cffffcc00D|remon Hunter Awakentip=Revive |cffffcc00D|remon Hunter [eden] Hotkey=C Tip=(|cffffcc00C|r) Build Ancient of Wonders [Edmm] Hotkey=Z Tip=(|cffffcc00Z|r) Summon Demon Hunter Revivetip=Revive |cffffcc00D|remon Hunter Awakentip=Revive |cffffcc00D|remon Hunter [Ekee] Hotkey=X Tip=(|cffffcc00X|r) Summon Keeper of the Grove Revivetip=Revive |cffffcc00K|reeper of the Grove Awakentip=Revive |cffffcc00K|reeper of the Grove [Emoo] Hotkey=C Tip=(|cffffcc00C|r) Summon Priestess of the Moon Revivetip=Revive |cffffcc00P|rriestess of the Moon Awakentip=Revive |cffffcc00P|rriestess of the Moon [Ewar] Hotkey=A Tip=(|cffffcc00A|r) Summon Warden Revivetip=Revive |cffffcc00W|rarden Awakentip=Revive |cffffcc00W|rarden [esen] Hotkey=W Tip=(|cffffcc00W|r) Train Huntress [earc] Hotkey=Q Tip=(|cffffcc00Q|r) Train Archer [edry] Hotkey=Q Tip=(|cffffcc00Q|r) Train Dryad [efon] [ehip] Hotkey=Q Tip=(|cffffcc00Q|r) Train Hippogryph [ehpr] Hotkey=Q Tip=(|cffffcc00Q|r) Ride Hippogryph [etol] Hotkey=Q Tip=(|cffffcc00Q|r) Create Tree of Life [etoa] Hotkey=Z Tip=(|cffffcc00Z|r) Upgrade to Tree of Ages [etoe] Hotkey=Z Tip=(|cffffcc00Z|r) Upgrade to Tree of Eternity [edob] Hotkey=E Tip=(|cffffcc00E|r) Create Hunter's Hall [eate] Hotkey=S Tip=(|cffffcc00S|r) Create Altar of Elders [eaoe] Hotkey=D Tip=(|cffffcc00D|r) Create Ancient of Lore [eaom] Hotkey=W Tip=(|cffffcc00W|r) Create Ancient of War [eaow] Hotkey=Z Tip=(|cffffcc00Z|r) Create Ancient of Wind [edos] Hotkey=X Tip=(|cffffcc00X|r) Create Chimaera Roost [emow] Hotkey=A Tip=(|cffffcc00A|r) Create Moon Well [espv] [even] [emtg] Hotkey=E Tip=(|cffffcc00E|r) Train Mountain Giant [efdr] Hotkey=E Tip=(|cffffcc00E|r) Train Faerie Dragon [Resm] Tip=(|cffffcc00Q|r) Upgrade to Strength of the Moon,(|cffffcc00Q|r) Upgrade to Improved Strength of the Moon,(|cffffcc00Q|r) Upgrade to Advanced Strength of the Moon Hotkey=Q [Resw] Tip=(|cffffcc00W|r) Upgrade to Strength of the Wild,(|cffffcc00W|r) Upgrade to Improved Strength of the Wild,(|cffffcc00W|r) Upgrade to Advanced Strength of the Wild Hotkey=W [Rema] Tip=(|cffffcc00A|r) Upgrade to Moon Armor,(|cffffcc00A|r) Upgrade to Improved Moon Armor,(|cffffcc00A|r) Upgrade to Advanced Moon Armor Hotkey=A [Rerh] Tip=(|cffffcc00S|r) Upgrade to Reinforced Hides,(|cffffcc00S|r) Upgrade to Improved Reinforced Hides,(|cffffcc00S|r) Upgrade to Advanced Reinforced Hides Hotkey=S [Reuv] Tip=(|cffffcc00E|r) Upgrade to Ultravision Hotkey=E [Renb] Tip=(|cffffcc00E|r) Research Nature's Blessing Hotkey=E [Reib] Tip=(|cffffcc00A|r) Research Improved Bows Hotkey=A [Remk] Tip=(|cffffcc00Z|r) Research Marksmanship Hotkey=Z [Resc] Tip=(|cffffcc00S|r) Research Sentinel Hotkey=S [Remg] Tip=(|cffffcc00X|r) Upgrade Moon Glaive Hotkey=X [Redt] Tip=(|cffffcc00X|r) Druid of the Talon Adept Training,(|cffffcc00X|r) Druid of the Talon Master Training Hotkey=X [Redc] Tip=(|cffffcc00X|r) Druid of the Claw Adept Training,(|cffffcc00X|r) Druid of the Claw Master Training Hotkey=X [Resi] Tip=(|cffffcc00Z|r) Research Abolish Magic Hotkey=Z [Reht] Tip=(|cffffcc00Z|r) Research Hippogryph Taming Hotkey=Z [Recb] Tip=(|cffffcc00Z|r) Research Corrosive Breath Hotkey=Z [Repb] Tip=(|cffffcc00C|r) Research Impaling Bolt Hotkey=C [Rers] Tip=(|cffffcc00C|r) Research Resistant Skin Hotkey=C [Rehs] Tip=(|cffffcc00D|r) Research Hardened Skin Hotkey=D [Reeb] Tip=(|cffffcc00S|r) Research Mark of the Claw Hotkey=S [Reec] Tip=(|cffffcc00S|r) Research Mark of the Talon Hotkey=S [Rews] Tip=(|cffffcc00R|r) Research Well Spring Hotkey=R [Repm] Tip=(|cffffcc00R|r) Research Backpack Hotkey=R // burning oil [Abof] Tip=Burning Oil [Bbof] // Berserk [Absk] Tip=(|cffffcc00Z|r) "Berserk" Hotkey=Z [Bbsk] // Berserker Upgrade [Sbsk] // Reinforced Burrows Upgrade [Arbr] Tip=Reinforced Burrows // Ancestral Spirit [Aast] Tip=(|cffffcc00C|r) "Ancestral Spirit" Hotkey=C // Disenchant [Adch] Tip=(|cffffcc00X|r) "Disenchant" Hotkey=X // Disenchant (new) [Adcn] Tip=(|cffffcc00X|r) "Disenchant" Hotkey=X // Corporeal Form [Acpf] Tip=(|cffffcc00V|r) "Corporeal Form" UnTip=(|cffffcc00V|r) "Ethereal Form" Unubertip="Turns the Spirit Walker ethereal, making him immune to physical damage but unable to attack. He can cast spells and will take extra damage from Magic attacks and spells." Hotkey=V UnHotkey=V // Ethereal Form [Aetf] Tip=(|cffffcc00V|r) "Ethereal Form" UnTip=(|cffffcc00V|r) "Corporeal Form" Unubertip="Turns the Spirit Walker corporeal, allowing him to attack and take physical damage." Hotkey=V UnHotkey=V // Spirit Link [Aspl] Tip=(|cffffcc00Z|r) "Spirit Link" Hotkey=Z [Bspl] // Pack Mule [Apak] Tip="Pack Mule" // Liquid Fire [Aliq] Tip="Liquid Fire" // Unstable Concoction [Auco] Tip=(|cffffcc00Z|r) "Unstable Concoction" Hotkey=Z UnHotkey=Z // Healing Wave [AOhw] Tip=(|cffffcc00Z|r) Healing Wave - [|cffffcc00Level 1|r],(|cffffcc00Z|r) Healing Wave - [|cffffcc00Level 2|r],(|cffffcc00Z|r) Healing Wave - [|cffffcc00Level 3|r] Hotkey=Z Researchtip=(|cffffcc00Q|r) "Learn Healing Wave - [|cffffcc00Level %d|r]" Researchhotkey=Q // Hex [AOhx] Tip=(|cffffcc00X|r) Hex - [|cffffcc00Level 1|r],(|cffffcc00X|r) Hex - [|cffffcc00Level 2|r],(|cffffcc00X|r) Hex - [|cffffcc00Level 3|r] Hotkey=X Researchtip=(|cffffcc00W|r) "Learn Hex - [|cffffcc00Level %d|r]" Researchhotkey=W [BOhx] // Serpent Ward [AOsw] Tip=(|cffffcc00C|r) Serpent Ward - [|cffffcc00Level 1|r],(|cffffcc00C|r) Serpent Ward - [|cffffcc00Level 2|r],(|cffffcc00C|r) Serpent Ward - [|cffffcc00Level 3|r] Hotkey=C Researchtip=(|cffffcc00E|r) "Learn Serpent Ward - [|cffffcc00Level %d|r]" Researchhotkey=E // Generic ward buff [BOwd] // Voodoo [AOvd] Tip=(|cffffcc00V|r) Big Bad Voodoo Hotkey=V Researchtip=(|cffffcc00R|r) "Learn Big Bad Voodoo" Researchhotkey=R [BOvd] // firebolt [Awfb] Tip=(|cffffcc00Z|r) Firebolt Hotkey=Z [Abtl] Tip=(|cffffcc00Z|r) Battle Stations Hotkey=Z [Astd] Tip=(|cffffcc00X|r) Stand Down Hotkey=X // Ensnare [Aens] Tip=(|cffffcc00Z|r) Ensnare Hotkey=Z // Ensnare buff on ground units [Beng] // Ensnare buff on air units [Bena] // Pulverize - passive [Awar] // Devour [Adev] Tip=(|cffffcc00Z|r) Devour Hotkey=Z // Devour buff [Bdvv] // Purge [Apg2] Tip=(|cffffcc00Z|r) Purge Hotkey=Z [Bprg] // Lightning Shield [Alsh] Tip=(|cffffcc00X|r) Lightning Shield Hotkey=X [Blsh] // Bloodlust [Ablo] Tip=(|cffffcc00C|r) Bloodlust Hotkey=C UnHotkey=C [Bblo] // Sentry Ward [Aeye] Tip=(|cffffcc00Z|r) Sentry Ward Hotkey=Z [Beye] // Stasis Trap spell [Asta] Tip=(|cffffcc00X|r) Stasis Trap Hotkey=X // Stasis Trap trigger buff [Bstt] // Stasis Trap effect buff [Bsta] // Healing Ward [Ahwd] Tip=(|cffffcc00C|r) Healing Ward Hotkey=C [Apoi] Hotkey=Q Tip=(|cffffcc00Q|r) Poison Sting // Poison Sting (Orb of Venom) [Apo2] Hotkey=Q Tip=(|cffffcc00Q|r) Poison Sting // Poison Sting Non Stack Buff [Bpoi] // Poison Sting Stack Buff [Bpsd] // currently unused // Tracking (Passive) [Anit] // Spiked Barricades (Passive) [Aspi] // Pillage (Passive) [Asal] Tip=Pillage // War Drums Aura [Aakb] Tip=War Drums [Bakb] // Wind Walk [AOwk] Tip=(|cffffcc00Z|r) Wind Walk - [|cffffcc00Level 1|r],(|cffffcc00Z|r) Wind Walk - [|cffffcc00Level 2|r],(|cffffcc00Z|r) Wind Walk - [|cffffcc00Level 3|r] Hotkey=Z Researchtip=(|cffffcc00Q|r) "Learn Wind Walk - [|cffffcc00Level %d|r]" Researchhotkey=Q [BOwk] // Mirror Image [AOmi] Tip=(|cffffcc00X|r) Mirror Image - [|cffffcc00Level 1|r],(|cffffcc00X|r) Mirror Image - [|cffffcc00Level 2|r],(|cffffcc00X|r) Mirror Image - [|cffffcc00Level 3|r] Hotkey=X Researchtip=(|cffffcc00W|r) "Learn Mirror Image - [|cffffcc00Level %d|r]" Researchhotkey=W [BOmi] // Critical Strike [AOcr] Tip=Critical Strike - [|cffffcc00Level 1|r],Critical Strike - [|cffffcc00Level 2|r],Critical Strike - [|cffffcc00Level 3|r] Researchtip=(|cffffcc00E|r) "Learn Critical Strike - [|cffffcc00Level %d|r]" Researchhotkey=E // Bladestorm [AOww] Tip=(|cffffcc00V|r) Bladestorm Hotkey=V Researchtip=(|cffffcc00R|r) Learn Bladestorm Researchhotkey=R Globalmessage= Globalsound= // Chain Lightning [AOcl] Tip=(|cffffcc00Z|r) Chain Lightning - [|cffffcc00Level 1|r],(|cffffcc00Z|r) Chain Lightning - [|cffffcc00Level 2|r],(|cffffcc00Z|r) Chain Lightning - [|cffffcc00Level 3|r] Hotkey=Z Researchtip=(|cffffcc00Q|r) "Learn Chain Lightning - [|cffffcc00Level %d|r]" Researchhotkey=Q // Far Sight [AOfs] Tip=(|cffffcc00X|r) Far Sight - [|cffffcc00Level 1|r],(|cffffcc00X|r) Far Sight - [|cffffcc00Level 2|r],(|cffffcc00X|r) Far Sight - [|cffffcc00Level 3|r] Hotkey=X Researchtip=(|cffffcc00W|r) "Learn Far Sight - [|cffffcc00Level %d|r]" Researchhotkey=W // Feral Spirit [AOsf] Tip=(|cffffcc00C|r) Feral Spirit - [|cffffcc00Level 1|r],(|cffffcc00C|r) Feral Spirit - [|cffffcc00Level 2|r],(|cffffcc00C|r) Feral Spirit - [|cffffcc00Level 3|r] Researchtip=(|cffffcc00E|r) "Learn Feral Spirit - [|cffffcc00Level %d|r]." Hotkey=C Researchhotkey=E [BOsf] // Earthquake [AOeq] Tip=(|cffffcc00V|r) Earthquake Hotkey=V Researchtip=(|cffffcc00R|r) "Learn Earthquake" Researchhotkey=R [BOeq] // Shockwave [AOsh] Tip=(|cffffcc00Z|r) Shockwave - [|cffffcc00Level 1|r],(|cffffcc00Z|r) Shockwave - [|cffffcc00Level 2|r],(|cffffcc00Z|r) Shockwave - [|cffffcc00Level 3|r] Hotkey=Z Researchtip=(|cffffcc00Q|r) "Learn Shockwave - [|cffffcc00Level %d|r]" Researchhotkey=Q // Endurance Aura [AOae] Tip=Endurance Aura - [|cffffcc00Level 1|r],Endurance Aura - [|cffffcc00Level 2|r],Endurance Aura - [|cffffcc00Level 3|r] Researchtip=(|cffffcc00E|r) "Learn Endurance Aura - [|cffffcc00Level %d|r]" Researchhotkey=E [BOae] // Reincarnation [AOre] Tip=Reincarnation Researchtip=(|cffffcc00R|r) Learn Reincarnation Researchhotkey=R // War Stomp (Chieftan) [AOws] Tip=(|cffffcc00X|r) War Stomp - [|cffffcc00Level 1|r],(|cffffcc00X|r) War Stomp - [|cffffcc00Level 2|r],(|cffffcc00X|r) War Stomp - [|cffffcc00Level 3|r] Researchtip=(|cffffcc00W|r) "Learn War Stomp - [|cffffcc00Level %d|r]." Hotkey=X Researchhotkey=W [BOws] [oalt] Hotkey=S Tip=(|cffffcc00S|r) Build Altar of Storms [oang] [obar] Hotkey=W Tip=(|cffffcc00W|r) Build Barracks [obea] Hotkey=F Tip=(|cffffcc00F|r) Build Beastiary [Obla] Hotkey=Z Tip=(|cffffcc00Z|r) Summon Blademaster Revivetip=Revive |cffffcc00B|rlademaster Awakentip=Revive |cffffcc00B|rlademaster [ocat] Hotkey=E Tip=(|cffffcc00E|r) Train Catapult [odoc] Hotkey=W Tip=(|cffffcc00W|r) Train Troll Witch Doctor [otot] [oeye] [Ofar] Hotkey=X Tip=(|cffffcc00X|r) Summon Far Seer Revivetip=Revive |cffffcc00F|rar Seer Awakentip=Revive |cffffcc00F|rar Seer [ofor] Hotkey=E Tip=(|cffffcc00E|r) Build War Mill [ofrt] Hotkey=Z Tip=(|cffffcc00Z|r) Upgrade to Fortress [ogre] Hotkey=Q Tip=(|cffffcc00Q|r) Build Great Hall [ogru] Hotkey=Q Tip=(|cffffcc00Q|r) Train Grunt [ohun] Hotkey=W Tip=(|cffffcc00W|r) Train Troll Headhunter [otbk] Hotkey=W Tip=(|cffffcc00W|r) Train Troll Berserker [okod] Hotkey=E Tip=(|cffffcc00E|r) Train Kodo Beast [osld] Hotkey=D Tip=(|cffffcc00D|r) Build Spirit Lodge [opeo] Hotkey=Q Tip=(|cffffcc00Q|r) Train Peon [orai] Hotkey=Q Tip=(|cffffcc00Q|r) Train Raider [oshm] Hotkey=Q Tip=(|cffffcc00Q|r) Train Shaman [ostr] Hotkey=Z Tip=(|cffffcc00Z|r) Upgrade to Stronghold [otau] Hotkey=Q Tip=(|cffffcc00Q|r) Train Tauren [otbr] Hotkey=R Tip=(|cffffcc00R|r) Train Troll Batrider [Oshd] Hotkey=A Tip=(|cffffcc00A|r) Summon Shadow Hunter Revivetip=Revive Shadow |cffffcc00H|runter Awakentip=Revive Shadow |cffffcc00H|runter [Otch] Hotkey=C Tip=(|cffffcc00C|r) Summon Tauren Chieftain Revivetip=Revive |cffffcc00T|rauren Chieftain Awakentip=Revive |cffffcc00T|rauren Chieftain [otrb] Hotkey=A Tip=(|cffffcc00A|r) Build Orc Burrow [orbr] Hotkey=A Tip=(|cffffcc00A|r) Build Reinforced Orc Burrow [otto] Hotkey=Z Tip=(|cffffcc00Z|r) Build Tauren Totem [ovln] Hotkey=X Tip=(|cffffcc00X|r) Build Voodoo Lounge [owyv] Hotkey=W Tip=(|cffffcc00W|r) Train Wyvern [owtw] Hotkey=R Tip=(|cffffcc00R|r) Build Watch Tower [ospw] DependencyOr=ospm Hotkey=E Tip=(|cffffcc00E|r) Train Spirit Walker [ospm] Hotkey=E Tip=(|cffffcc00E|r) Train Spirit Walker [Roch] [Rome] Tip=(|cffffcc00Q|r) Upgrade to Steel Melee Weapons,(|cffffcc00Q|r) Upgrade to Thorium Melee Weapons,(|cffffcc00Q|r) Upgrade to Arcanite Melee Weapons Hotkey=Q [Rora] Tip=(|cffffcc00W|r) Upgrade to Steel Ranged Weapons,(|cffffcc00W|r) Upgrade to Thorium Ranged Weapons,(|cffffcc00W|r) Upgrade to Arcanite Ranged Weapons Hotkey=W [Roar] Tip=(|cffffcc00A|r) Upgrade to Steel Unit Armor,(|cffffcc00A|r) Upgrade to Thorium Unit Armor,(|cffffcc00A|r) Upgrade to Arcanite Unit Armor Hotkey=A [Rwdm] Tip=(|cffffcc00C|r) Upgrade War Drums Hotkey=C // pillage [Ropg] Tip=(|cffffcc00E|r) Pillage Hotkey=E [Robs] Tip=(|cffffcc00Z|r) Research Berserker Strength Hotkey=Z [Rows] Tip=(|cffffcc00Z|r) Research Pulverize Hotkey=Z [Roen] Tip=(|cffffcc00Z|r) Research Ensnare Hotkey=Z [Rovs] Tip=(|cffffcc00S|r) Research Envenomed Spears Hotkey=S [Rowd] Tip=(|cffffcc00X|r) Witch Doctor Adept Training,(|cffffcc00X|r) Witch Doctor Master Training Hotkey=X [Rost] Tip=(|cffffcc00Z|r) Shaman Adept Training,(|cffffcc00Z|r) Shaman Master Training Hotkey=Z [Rosp] Tip=(|cffffcc00E|r) Upgrade to Spiked Barricades,(|cffffcc00E|r) Upgrade to Improved Spiked Barricades,(|cffffcc00E|r) Upgrade to Advanced Spiked Barricades Hotkey=E [Rotr] Tip=(|cffffcc00S|r) Research Troll Regeneration,(|cffffcc00S|r) Research Improved Troll Regeneration,(|cffffcc00S|r) Research Advanced Troll Regeneration Hotkey=S [Rolf] Tip=(|cffffcc00D|r) Research Liquid Fire Hotkey=D [Ropm] Tip=(|cffffcc00R|r) Research Backpack Hotkey=R [Rowt] Tip=(|cffffcc00C|r) Spirit Walker Adept Training,(|cffffcc00C|r) Spirit Walker Master Training Hotkey=C [Robk] Tip=(|cffffcc00X|r) Berserker Upgrade Hotkey=X [Rorb] Tip=(|cffffcc00D|r) Reinforced Defenses Hotkey=D [Robf] Tip=(|cffffcc00C|r) Burning Oil Hotkey=C // Replenish Life & Mana [Arpb] Tip=(|cffffcc00Z|r) Replenish UnTip="|cffc3dbff|cffc3dbffRight-click to activate auto-casting.|r|r" Hotkey=Z UnHotkey=Z [Brpb] // Replenish Life (Obsidian Statue) [Arpl] Tip=(|cffffcc00Z|r) Essence of Blight UnTip="|cffc3dbff|cffc3dbffRight-click to activate auto-casting.|r|r" Hotkey=Z UnHotkey=Z [Brpl] // Spirit Touch (Obsidian Statue) [Arpm] Tip=(|cffffcc00X|r) Spirit Touch UnTip="|cffc3dbff|cffc3dbffRight-click to activate auto-casting.|r|r" Hotkey=X UnHotkey=X [Brpm] // Exhume Corpses [Aexh] Tip=Exhume Corpses // Obsidian Statue mana battery [Amb2] Tip=(|cffffcc00X|r) Replenish Mana UnTip="|cffc3dbff|cffc3dbffRight-click to activate auto-casting.|r|r" Hotkey=X UnHotkey=X // Destroyer Form [Aave] // Orb of Annihilation [Afak] Tip=(|cffffcc00X|r) "Orb of Annihilation" UnTip="|cffc3dbff|cffc3dbffRight-click to activate auto-casting.|r|r" Hotkey=X UnHotkey=X // Devour Magic [Advm] Tip=(|cffffcc00Z|r) "Devour Magic" Hotkey=Z // Aura of Blight [Aabr] Tip=Aura of Blight [Babr] // Absorb Mana [Aabs] Tip=(|cffffcc00C|r) "Absorb Mana" Hotkey=C // Burrow [Abur] Tip=(|cffffcc00V|r) Burrow UnTip=(|cffffcc00V|r) Unburrow Unubertip="The Crypt Fiend pops out of the ground and becomes visible again." Hotkey=V UnHotkey=V // Burrow (scarab lvl 2) [Abu2] Tip=(|cffffcc00V|r) Burrow UnTip=(|cffffcc00V|r) Unburrow Unubertip="The Carrion Beetle pops out of the ground and becomes visible again." Hotkey=V UnHotkey=V // Burrow (scarab lvl 3) [Abu3] Tip=(|cffffcc00V|r) Burrow UnTip=(|cffffcc00V|r) Unburrow Unubertip="The Carrion Beetle pops out of the ground and becomes visible again." Hotkey=V UnHotkey=V // Impale [AUim] Tip=(|cffffcc00Z|r) Impale - [|cffffcc00Level 1|r],(|cffffcc00Z|r) Impale - [|cffffcc00Level 2|r],(|cffffcc00Z|r) Impale - [|cffffcc00Level 3|r] Hotkey=Z Researchtip=(|cffffcc00Q|r) "Learn Impale - [|cffffcc00Level %d|r]" Researchhotkey=Q [BUim] [AUts] Tip=Spiked Carapace - [|cffffcc00Level 1|r],Spiked Carapace - [|cffffcc00Level 2|r],Spiked Carapace - [|cffffcc00Level 3|r] Researchtip=(|cffffcc00W|r) "Learn Spiked Carapace - [|cffffcc00Level %d|r]" Researchhotkey=W // Carrion Beetles [AUcb] Tip=(|cffffcc00C|r) Carrion Beetles - [|cffffcc00Level 1|r],(|cffffcc00C|r) Carrion Beetles - [|cffffcc00Level 2|r],(|cffffcc00C|r) Carrion Beetles - [|cffffcc00Level 3|r] Hotkey=C Researchtip=(|cffffcc00E|r) "Learn Carrion Beetles - [|cffffcc00Level %d|r]" Researchhotkey=E [BUcb] // Locust Swarm [AUls] Tip=(|cffffcc00V|r) Locust Swarm Hotkey=V Researchtip=(|cffffcc00R|r) "Learn Locust Swarm" Researchhotkey=R [BUlo] // Meat Wagon Cargo Hold [Amtc] // True Sight [Atru] Tip=True Sight // Acolyte Harvest [Aaha] Tip=(|cffffcc00F|r) Gather UnTip=(|cffffcc00F|r) Return Resources Unubertip="Return the carried resources to the nearest town hall." Hotkey=F UnHotkey=F // Unsummon [Auns] Tip=(|cffffcc00X|r) Unsummon Building Hotkey=X [Buns] // Graveyard [Agyd] //Tip=Create C|cffffcc00o|rrpse //Ubertip="Create a corpse." //Hotkey=O // Sacrifice (Acolyte's button) [Alam] Tip=(|cffffcc00V|r) Sacrifice Hotkey=V // Sacrifice (Sacrificial Pit's button) [Asac] Tip=(|cffffcc00Q|r) Sacrifice Hotkey=Q // Cannibalize [Acan] Tip=(|cffffcc00Z|r) Cannibalize Hotkey=Z // Cannibalize [Acn2] Tip=(|cffffcc00Z|r) Cannibalize Hotkey=Z // Spider Attack [Aspa] // This ability modifies the unit's attack. [Bspa] // Web [Aweb] Tip=(|cffffcc00Z|r) Web Hotkey=Z UnHotkey=Z // Web buff on ground units [Bweb] // Web buff on air units [Bwea] // Stone Form [Astn] Tip=(|cffffcc00Z|r) Stone Form Hotkey=Z UnTip=(|cffffcc00Z|r) Gargoyle Form Unubertip="Returns the Gargoyle to the air." UnHotkey=Z // Load Corpse [Amel] Tip=(|cffffcc00Z|r) Get Corpse Hotkey=Z UnHotkey=Z // Unload Corpse [Amed] Tip=(|cffffcc00X|r) Drop All Corpses Hotkey=X // Disease Cloud [Aapl] Tip=Disease Cloud [Aap1] Tip=Disease Cloud // Disease Cloud [Aap2] [Aap3] Tip=Disease Cloud [Aap4] Tip=Disease Cloud [Bapl] // Disease Cloud [Apts] Tip=Disease Cloud // Frost Breath [Afrb] // This ability modifies the unit's attack. // Frost Attack [Afra] Tip=Frost Attack // Freezing Breath [Afrz] Tip=Freezing Breath [Bfrz] // Raise Dead [Arai] Tip=(|cffffcc00Z|r) Raise Dead Hotkey=Z UnHotkey=Z [Brai] // Unholy Frenzy [Auhf] Tip=(|cffffcc00X|r) Unholy Frenzy Hotkey=X // Unholy Frenzy (Warlock) [Suhf] Tip=(|cffffcc00X|r) Unholy Frenzy Hotkey=X [Buhf] // Curse [Acrs] Tip=(|cffffcc00Z|r) Curse Hotkey=Z UnHotkey=Z [Bcrs] // Anti-magic Shell [Aams] Tip=(|cffffcc00X|r) Anti-magic Shell Hotkey=X [Bams] // Possession [Apos] Tip=(|cffffcc00C|r) Possession Hotkey=C // Death Coil [AUdc] Tip=(|cffffcc00Z|r) Death Coil - [|cffffcc00Level 1|r],(|cffffcc00Z|r) Death Coil - [|cffffcc00Level 2|r],(|cffffcc00Z|r) Death Coil - [|cffffcc00Level 3|r] Hotkey=Z Researchtip=(|cffffcc00Q|r) "Learn Death Coil - [|cffffcc00Level %d|r]" Researchhotkey=Q // Unholy Aura [AUau] Tip=Unholy Aura - [|cffffcc00Level 1|r],Unholy Aura - [|cffffcc00Level 2|r],Unholy Aura - [|cffffcc00Level 3|r] Researchtip=(|cffffcc00E|r) "Learn Unholy Aura - [|cffffcc00Level %d|r]" Researchhotkey=E [BUau] // Death Pact [AUdp] Tip=(|cffffcc00X|r) Death Pact - [|cffffcc00Level 1|r],(|cffffcc00X|r) Death Pact - [|cffffcc00Level 2|r],(|cffffcc00X|r) Death Pact - [|cffffcc00Level 3|r] Hotkey=X Researchtip=(|cffffcc00W|r) "Learn Death Pact - [|cffffcc00Level %d|r]" Researchhotkey=W // Animate Dead [AUan] Tip=(|cffffcc00V|r) Animate Dead Hotkey=V Researchtip=(|cffffcc00R|r) "Learn Animate Dead" Researchhotkey=R Globalmessage= Globalsound= [BUan] // Carrion Swarm [AUcs] Tip=(|cffffcc00Z|r) Carrion Swarm - [|cffffcc00Level 1|r],(|cffffcc00Z|r) Carrion Swarm - [|cffffcc00Level 2|r],(|cffffcc00Z|r) Carrion Swarm - [|cffffcc00Level 3|r] Hotkey=Z Researchtip=(|cffffcc00Q|r) "Learn Carrion Swarm - [|cffffcc00Level %d|r]" Researchhotkey=Q // Sleep [AUsl] Tip=(|cffffcc00X|r) Sleep - [|cffffcc00Level 1|r],(|cffffcc00X|r) Sleep - [|cffffcc00Level 2|r],(|cffffcc00X|r) Sleep - [|cffffcc00Level 3|r] Hotkey=X Researchtip=(|cffffcc00W|r) "Learn Sleep - [|cffffcc00Level %d|r]" Researchhotkey=W [BUsl] // Vampiric Aura [AUav] Tip=Vampiric Aura - [|cffffcc00Level 1|r],Vampiric Aura - [|cffffcc00Level 2|r],Vampiric Aura - [|cffffcc00Level 3|r] Researchtip=(|cffffcc00E|r) "Learn Vampiric Aura - [|cffffcc00Level %d|r]" Researchhotkey=E [BUav] // Frost Nova [AUfn] Tip=(|cffffcc00Z|r) Frost Nova - [|cffffcc00Level 1|r],(|cffffcc00Z|r) Frost Nova - [|cffffcc00Level 2|r],(|cffffcc00Z|r) Frost Nova - [|cffffcc00Level 3|r] Hotkey=Z Researchtip=(|cffffcc00Q|r) "Learn Frost Nova - [|cffffcc00Level %d|r]" Researchhotkey=Q // Frost Armor [AUfa] Tip=(|cffffcc00X|r) Frost Armor - [|cffffcc00Level 1|r],(|cffffcc00X|r) Frost Armor - [|cffffcc00Level 2|r],(|cffffcc00X|r) Frost Armor - [|cffffcc00Level 3|r] Hotkey=X Researchtip=(|cffffcc00W|r) "Learn Frost Armor - [|cffffcc00Level %d|r]" Researchhotkey=W // Frost Armor (Autocast) [AUfu] Tip=(|cffffcc00X|r) Frost Armor - [|cffffcc00Level 1|r],(|cffffcc00X|r) Frost Armor - [|cffffcc00Level 2|r],(|cffffcc00X|r) Frost Armor - [|cffffcc00Level 3|r] Hotkey=X Researchtip=(|cffffcc00W|r) "Learn Frost Armor - [|cffffcc00Level %d|r]" Researchhotkey=W [BUfa] // Dark Ritual [AUdr] Tip=(|cffffcc00C|r) Dark Ritual - [|cffffcc00Level 1|r],(|cffffcc00C|r) Dark Ritual - [|cffffcc00Level 2|r],(|cffffcc00C|r) Dark Ritual - [|cffffcc00Level 3|r] Hotkey=C Researchtip=(|cffffcc00E|r) "Learn Dark Ritual - [|cffffcc00Level %d|r]" Researchhotkey=E // Death And Decay [AUdd] Tip=(|cffffcc00V|r) Death And Decay Hotkey=V Researchtip=(|cffffcc00R|r) "Learn Death And Decay" Researchhotkey=R [BUdd] // Cripple [Acri] Tip=(|cffffcc00C|r) Cripple Hotkey=C // Cripple (Warlock) [Scri] Tip=(|cffffcc00C|r) Cripple Hotkey=C [Bcri] [AUin] Tip=(|cffffcc00V|r) Inferno Hotkey=V Researchtip=(|cffffcc00R|r) Learn Inferno Researchhotkey=R [Ucrl] Tip=(|cffffcc00A|r) Summon Crypt Lord Hotkey=A Revivetip=Revive |cffffcc00C|rrypt Lord Awakentip=Revive |cffffcc00C|rrypt Lord [uaco] Tip=(|cffffcc00Q|r) Train Acolyte Hotkey=Q [uabo] Tip=(|cffffcc00W|r) Train Abomination Hotkey=W [Udea] Tip=(|cffffcc00Z|r) Summon Death Knight Revivetip=Revive |cffffcc00D|reath Knight Awakentip=Revive |cffffcc00D|reath Knight Hotkey=Z [uban] Tip=(|cffffcc00W|r) Train Banshee Hotkey=W [ucrm] Tip=(|cffffcc00W|r) Train Crypt Fiend Hotkey=W [ucry] Tip=(|cffffcc00W|r) Train Crypt Fiend Hotkey=W [Udre] Tip=(|cffffcc00X|r) Summon Dreadlord Revivetip=Revive Dr|cffffcc00e|radlord Awakentip=Revive Dr|cffffcc00e|radlord Hotkey=X [ufro] Tip=(|cffffcc00Q|r) Train Frost Wyrm Hotkey=Q [ugar] Tip=(|cffffcc00E|r) Train Gargoyle Hotkey=E [ugrm] Tip=(|cffffcc00E|r) Train Gargoyle Hotkey=E [ugho] Tip=(|cffffcc00Q|r) Train Ghoul Hotkey=Q [Ulic] Tip=(|cffffcc00C|r) Summon Lich Revivetip=Revive |cffffcc00L|rich Awakentip=Revive |cffffcc00L|rich Hotkey=C [unec] Tip=(|cffffcc00Q|r) Train Necromancer Hotkey=Q [uske] Tip=Summon Skeleton Warrior [uskm] Tip=Summon Skeletal Mage [uplg] [uaod] Tip=(|cffffcc00S|r) Summon Altar of Darkness Hotkey=S [unpl] Tip=(|cffffcc00Q|r) Summon Necropolis Hotkey=Q [unp1] Tip=(|cffffcc00Z|r) Upgrade to Halls of the Dead Hotkey=Z [unp2] Tip=(|cffffcc00Z|r) Upgrade to Black Citadel Hotkey=Z [usep] Tip=(|cffffcc00W|r) Summon Crypt Hotkey=W [utod] Tip=(|cffffcc00D|r) Summon Temple of the Damned Hotkey=D [utom] Hotkey=C Tip=(|cffffcc00C|r) Summon Tomb of Relics [ugol] Tip=(|cffffcc00E|r) Haunt Gold Mine Hotkey=E [uzig] Tip=(|cffffcc00A|r) Summon Ziggurat Hotkey=A [uzg1] Tip=(|cffffcc00Z|r) Upgrade to Spirit Tower Hotkey=Z [uzg2] Tip=(|cffffcc00X|r) Upgrade to Nerubian Tower Hotkey=X [umtw] Tip=(|cffffcc00Q|r) Train Meat Wagon Hotkey=Q [ubon] Tip=(|cffffcc00X|r) Summon Boneyard Hotkey=X [usap] Tip=(|cffffcc00Z|r) Summon Sacrificial Pit Hotkey=Z [uslh] Tip=(|cffffcc00F|r) Summon Slaughterhouse Hotkey=F [ushd] Tip=Train Shade [ugrv] Tip=(|cffffcc00R|r) Summon Graveyard Hotkey=R [uobs] Tip=(|cffffcc00E|r) Create Obsidian Statue Hotkey=E [ubsp] Tip=(|cffffcc00V|r) Morph into Destroyer Hotkey=V [Rusp] Tip=(|cffffcc00C|r) Research Destroyer Form Hotkey=C [Rume] Tip=(|cffffcc00Q|r) Upgrade to Unholy Strength,(|cffffcc00Q|r) Upgrade to Improved Unholy Strength,(|cffffcc00Q|r) Upgrade to Advanced Unholy Strength Hotkey=Q [Rura] Tip=(|cffffcc00W|r) Upgrade to Creature Attack,(|cffffcc00W|r) Upgrade to Improved Creature Attack,(|cffffcc00W|r) Upgrade to Advanced Creature Attack Hotkey=W [Ruar] Tip=(|cffffcc00A|r) Upgrade to Unholy Armor,(|cffffcc00A|r) Upgrade to Improved Unholy Armor,(|cffffcc00A|r) Upgrade to Advanced Unholy Armor Hotkey=A [Rucr] Tip=(|cffffcc00S|r) Upgrade to Creature Carapace,(|cffffcc00S|r) Upgrade to Improved Creature Carapace,(|cffffcc00S|r) Upgrade to Advanced Creature Carapace Hotkey=S [Ruac] Tip=(|cffffcc00A|r) Research Cannibalize Hotkey=A [Rugf] Tip=(|cffffcc00Z|r) Research Ghoul Frenzy Hotkey=Z [Ruwb] Tip=(|cffffcc00X|r) Research Web Hotkey=X [Rusf] Tip=(|cffffcc00C|r) Research Stone Form Hotkey=C [Rune] Tip=(|cffffcc00Z|r) Necromancer Adept Training,(|cffffcc00Z|r) Necromancer Master Training Hotkey=Z [Ruba] Tip=(|cffffcc00X|r) Banshee Adept Training,(|cffffcc00X|r) Banshee Master Training Hotkey=X [Rufb] Tip=(|cffffcc00Z|r) Research Freezing Breath Hotkey=Z [Rusl] Tip=(|cffffcc00C|r) Research Skeletal Longevity Hotkey=C [Rupc] Tip=(|cffffcc00X|r) Research Disease Cloud Hotkey=X [Rusm] Tip=(|cffffcc00D|r) Research Skeletal Mastery Hotkey=D [Rubu] Tip=(|cffffcc00S|r) Research Burrow Hotkey=S [Ruex] Tip=(|cffffcc00Z|r) Research Exhume Corpses Hotkey=Z [Rupm] Tip=(|cffffcc00R|r) Research Backpack Hotkey=R